

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Child Hubert

Child Hubert
Child Hubert


As part of the one-day project activity, children from Slovakia and Hungary could become acquainted with the life in the forest and the work of foresters. Forest pedagogues from Levice brought them the forest and informed their prepared forest schools of the realized cross-border project. Through various entertaining activities and competitions, they could test their knowledge about fauna and flora. 

Approximately 90 children from the Hungarian and Slovak borderlands visited the Žuhračka chalet on 21 May 2019 as part of the “Children's Hubert” activity. The activity was prepared by Slovak and Hungarian foresters from the project “Foresters to increase public environmental awareness” for the promotion of the INTERREG project, spreading awareness of upcoming forest schools and those about foresters. Children were able to test their knowledge in the entertaining and competitive form of learning about woody plants and woodworking. The children were also very interested in bringing the history of Žuhračka closer to the demonstrations of medieval fighting. In the same way they could try shooting with a blowing arrows. Everything to raise awareness of the natural and cultural heritage of the Levice cross-border region.

More information about the project: 
