

Building partnership!


Building partnership!




TAPE title Future built on past. Cross-border economic development based on industrial hemp processing
CCP-LB Nemzetstratégiai Kutatóintézet
Duration 36 months
Total budget of TAPE 7 012 325,74 € 

In the program area, there is a shortage of the processing capacity of building, food and cosmetics industries. The level of employment of the economically active population is low. Population is aging and the number of people leaving the area is large.

The general objective is to mitigate and reverse the negative demographic processes. Another objective is to develop the economy based on local conditions, to increase the added value and to increase the level of processing in the industry. The objectives include the sharing of competitive knowledge with local economic actors. The synthesis of theoretical knowledge and practical experience helps to realize the local economic development aspirations. The project focuses on the ecological approach, sustainable farming and the processing of raw materials from the green economy. The essential resource of the employment action plan is a crop that has a great tradition and can be produced efficiently also along ecological principles. This plant is a raw material of high quality, competitive, food, construction, and cosmetic products that can be produced and processed with low-environmental loads and meets with growing demand.

An additional fundamental resource for the action plan is competitive knowledge and human resources. Main achievements: acquiring of competitive knowledge, production and realisation of high-value local products. Beneficiaries of the project are local workers: trained workers, economists, engineers, local governments.

The cross-border flow of labour and capital can promote the development of peripheral border regions, which will enable the organized, unified reconstruction of the economy of the regions.

During the implementation of TAPE, the following measurable results will be achieved:

  • a total of 13 new working places will be created,
  • 1300 m2 production facilities will be renovated, where 10 kinds of products will be produced and marketed.
  • During knowledge sharing on hemp processing 14 workshops are organized within the framework of the project.
  • A closing publication is also going to be prepared, which will summarize the knowledge content.

TAPE includes the following activities to achieve the stated goals:

  • improving cross-border labour mobility by building the road linking Nagyrozvágy (HU) and Nagygéres (Veľký Horeš, SK) settlements,
  • development of local products and services, which will provide the opportunity to market competitive products and to create new jobs.

This key activity is promoted by the following project activities:

  • production development based on the processing of hemp seed and stalk;
  • development of infrastructure for production and marketing based on industrial hemp;
  • program for manufacturing, employment and knowledge sharing.

In order to coordinate the above activities and communicate the results, TAPE also includes a communication and coordination activity and foresees a risk assessment and management plan for risk management.

Related projects: 

SKHU/1802/3.1/013 - FUTURE IN HEMP - CCP
SKHU/1802/3.1/008 - Hemp road
SKHU/1802/3.1/019 - FUTURE IN HEMP - SEED
SKHU/1802/3.1/020 - FUTURE IN HEMP - PROD
SKHU/1802/3.1/001 - FUTURE IN HEMP - FIBER


