

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Announcement of Call for Proposals HUSK-2302 Results

Announcement of Call for Proposals HUSK-2302 Results


We are delighted to announce the results of the recent Call for Proposals HUSK-2302. After careful consideration and evaluation of each application, the Monitoring Committee made its decision about the final list of approved projects for each action:

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the successful applicants and commend you for your innovative ideas and determination. We look forward to working closely with you to bring your proposals to fruition.

To those who were not selected, we thank you for your submissions and encourage you to continue pursuing your initiatives. While the competition was tough, we value your contributions and hope to see your continued engagement in future Call for proposals.

For all applicants, please note that individual notification letters will be sent out in the upcoming weeks with feedback on your application.
