



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

2 nd Meeting of the Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee - 2018/12/10

  • Date:
  • Location: Slávnostná sála Boršodsko - Abovsko - Zemplínskej župy,Miškolc
  • Project acronym: SPF ETA 1,SPF ETA 4
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1701/1.1/001,SKHU/17001/4.1/003
  • Website:
  • Event organized by: EGTC Via Carpatia
  • Contact person: Ing. Denisa Korečková
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Slovak
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: yes

European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Via Carpatia with Limited Liability is organizing the 2 nd Meeting of the Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee in Miskolc on 10th December 2018.


European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Via Carpatia with Limited Liability as a Lead Beneficiary of the Small Project Fund Umbrella Projects for the Eastern Programming Area is organizing 2 nd Meeting of the Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee.
Small Project Fund is to be implemented in Priority Axis 1 and Priority Axis 4 in the frame of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme 2014 – 2020.

Agenta of the event :
Registration 10:30 – 11:00
Monitoring Commettee Meeting 11:00 – 13:00
Lunch 13:00 – 14:00

1. Approval of the agenda of the meeting
2. Summary of the Call for small project proposals
3. Approval of the ranking list of small project applications under Priority Axis 1 and Priority axis 4
4. Approval of Subsidy contract for small projects
5. Approval of Beneficiarie´s Implementation Manual
6. Any other business
7. Conclusion and closure of the meeting

Attached documents

SPF ETA 1,SPF ETA 4 Invitation.docx
2018-12-03 12:51:47
2018-12-03 12:51:47
SPF ETA 1,SPF ETA 4 Agenda.docx
2018-12-03 12:51:47
2018-12-03 12:51:47
