



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Closing conference of TP-LAB project - 2021/12/09 10:00

  • Date: -
  • Location: online (from Bratislava)
  • Project acronym: TP-LAB- Territorial Planning Laboratory
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1902/4.1/079
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates: -
  • Event organized by: Inštitút priestorového plánovania
  • Contact person: Ľubomír Macák
  • Phone number: +421905277485
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Slovak
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: no

TP LAB will hold the final conference of the project online on 9 December 2021 from 10 am. 


After the welcome speeches and the presentation of the Programme Management, the speakers will present the results, experiences and further possibilities of the cooperation between Hungarian and Slovak territorial actors. Speakers also present the data and information service that has been set up, the digital visualization, the use of the tool and the living laboratories that have been set up in Győr and Bratislava to test and develop the service and meet the needs of users. The project is expected to facilitate data- and location-based decision making. In addition, capacity-building training will enable professionals and students to use the tool in their planning and research work. The online availability of information will help territorial coordination and more informed decisions will contribute to a more balanced spatial structure and a stronger link between valuable natural areas and the urbanized landscape.

Attached documents

TP-LAB- Territorial Planning Laboratory Invitation.docx
2021-12-02 15:22:53
2021-12-02 15:22:53
TP-LAB- Territorial Planning Laboratory Agenda.docx
2021-12-02 15:22:53
2021-12-02 15:22:53
