
Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Closing meeting of the project „Bioeconomy“ - 2022/09/28 11:00

  • Date: -
  • Location: Slovak University of Technology, Radlinského 9, Bratislava
  • Project acronym: BIoeconomy
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1902/4.1/001
  • Website: https://skhulaboratorium.sk/en-index.php
  • Event organized by: organized by the management of the project Bioeconomy
  • Contact person: Alexander Kaszonyi
  • Phone number: +421907655445
  • E-mail address: alexander.kaszonyi@stuba.sk
  • Language of event: English
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: no

Closing meeting of the project „Bioeconomy“ at Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, on September 28-th, 2022, organized by the management of the project Bioeconomy, SKHU/1902/4.1/001


The project management kindly invites you to participate in the closing meeting of the project Bioeconomy at the Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, on September 28th, 2022.

The lessons originated from the Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (B1):

11:10 Mihályi R., Magdolna: APC and UHPLC characterization of products obtained by lignocellulose extraction and/or depolymerization

11:30 Vikár, Anna: Hydroconversion of platform molecules of lignocellulosic origin into renewable fuel components

11:50 Barthos, Róbert: The first step towards the era of biopolymers: production of butadiene from bioethanol

12:10 Novodárszki, Gyula: Catalytic conversion of lignin-derived, monomeric platform molecules to value-added chemicals

The lessons originated from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia (LB)

13:30 Kaszonyi, Alexander: Utilization of straw and other stem residues within the framework of the circular bioeconomy

13:50 Izsák, Lívia: BioBank of lignocellulosic samples of agricultural and forestall byproducts and their analysis by Py-GCMS

14:10 Horváth, Blažej: Lignocellulosic bioethanol and its utilization by production of value-added chemicals

14:30 Soták Tomáš: Catalytic Conversion of Biomass into Valuable Chemicals

The meeting is accessible from 11 h a.m to 15 h p.m by

Googlemeet link meet.google.com/gri-cfbo-zkd.

Attached documents

BIoeconomy Invitation.pdf
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2022-09-21 11:21:15
