Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums

  • AcronymFUMU
  • Call IDSKHU/1902
  • Priority AxisEnhancing cooperation of public authorities
  • Specific objective4.1 Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens.
  • Registration No.SKHU/1902/4.1/048
  • Total Project budget177,968.40 €
  • Total ERDF awarded154,078.14 €
  • Project start date01 March 2021
  • Project end date30 June 2022
  • Project statusClosed

There is no organized continuing education system for museum professionals in Slovakia similar to the one in Hungary therefore the Kassa County Municipality in 2019 contacted the Center for Museum Education and Methodology (MOKK), operating as the directorate of the Hungarian Open-Air Museum, and working on strengthening the social embeddedness of museum institutions. MOKK has been spreading the service museum approach since 2006. The K13 - Kassai Cultural Centers also joined in the development of the joint application.
One of the main objectives of the Slovak-Hungarian cooperation was that the training methodology developed by MOKK could be adapted in Kassa County, and later even in the whole of Slovakia. As a result of the project, the Kassa county museum institutional system became able to organize modern trainings and create an opportunity for Slovak cultural specialists to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for museum development.
The MOKK organized two online training courses for Slovak education organizers and trainers, and also organized two further training courses in service museum and PR, marketing and communication topics. The Kassa County Self-Government held advanced training for exhibition organizers with the involvement of Slovak experts based on the methodology learned from MOKK.
Two workshops (Audience development in in museums and Soft skills for museum professionals) were organized by the K13 – Kassa Cultural Centers and research conducted among museum institutions, galleries and exhibition spaces in the Kassa region was also carried out.
During the 5 day long Museum Autumn Academy organized by MOKK in Hungary and the study visit tour organised in Hungary and Slovakia the participants learned about each other's good practices. On the project closing conference Slovak and Hungarian museum and cultural professionals also reported on what they benefited from the cooperation. The premiere of the short film shot with project participants and the presentation of the book titled Learning by Doing published in English by MOKK were also the parts of the program. 
Number of people participated in cooperation: 250.
Number of cross-border products and services developed: 7
Number of documents published or elaborated: 7 


Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums
Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums
Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums
Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums
Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum

2000 Szentendre, Sztaravodai út 75.

86,078.99 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Košický samosprávny kraj

04266 Košice, Námestie Maratónu mieru 1

33,710.15 €

Beneficiary 2 / ERDF awarded

K 13 – Košické kultúrne centrá

04001 Košice - Juh, Kukučínova 2

34,289.00 €

