European Regional Development Fund
Regional Development Agency Komárno, Institute of Circular Economy, c.a. and Rába – Duna – Váh European Territorial Association with Limited Responsibility are three organizations which were joined together in environmental educational project “Circle of circular economy”. Main goal of this project was to bring the idea of circular economy to Slovak and Hungarian schools.
The following activities were implemented within the project:
Lectures at 40 secondary and primary schools in the Nitra, Trnava and Bratislava regions in the Slovak Republic and Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Komárom - Esztergom, Pest in HU on the following topics:
Rába-Duna-Vág Korlátolt Felelősségű Európai Területi Társulás
2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 4.
116,207.32 €