Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders

  • AcronymTreeJoy
  • Call IDSKHU/1601
  • Priority AxisProtecting natural and cultural heritage
  • Specific objective1.1 To increase the attractiveness of the border area
  • Registration No.SKHU/1601/1.1/217
  • Total Project budget1,460,765.80 €
  • Total ERDF awarded1,241,650.94 €
  • Project start date01 July 2017
  • Project end date31 August 2021
  • Website
  • Project statusClosed

The Forestry arboretum Kysihýbel in Banská Štiavnica (SK) and also the Botanical Garden in Sopron(HU) are closely bound up with Hungarian higher education in forestry. These common heritage is still living also through cooperation of Banská Štiavnica and Sopron as twinning towns. However the both objects have rich history, nevertheless they do not fully use their tourist potential and attractiveness in region. From this point of view there are huge needs for increasing awareness about them and attractiveness of both cultural - natural monuments. These objects don´t possess many appropriate facilities which would serve for visitors. In the proposed project we plan to make the reconstruction of cultural-natural objects Arboretum and Botanical Garden and to organise some public events oriented to development of tourism in both regions. The main outputs of these activities will be renewal of tree species plots, new visitor centre building, reconstructed administrative building and roads, educational trail, greenhouse, look-out tower, main wooden entrance, activity of forest pedagogy and paths for disabled. Big added value bring new documentary film about arboretum in 5 languages and about the Botanical Garden in 4 languages, which will be presented in visitor centres and in medias. All these facilities together with events and services created by this project will increase tourist potential, amount of visitors and attractiveness of the Banská Bystrica self government region and Győr - Moson - Sopron county. Andrej Kmeť big personality of Banská Štiavnica from 19. century said true statement :"" Get to know our regions and we will get to know ourselves"". We think, that through cross border cooperation, we will increase the awareness of the monuments of these regions. Common heritage and joint development of our natural-cultural objects bring significantly higher atractiveness of our regions.


Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Národné lesnícke centrum

Zvolen, T.G. Masaryka 22 960 92

775,244.20 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Soproni Egyetem

Sopron, Bajcsy-Zs. u. 4. 9400

466,406.73 €

Locations of investment

Banská Štiavnica


Bajcsy-Zsilinszky str. 4., 9400 Sopron

