European Regional Development Fund
Environmental education infrastructure and methodology development in international cooperation with joint training events
In 2017 the Municipality of Szirmabesenyő Village and the Košice Forestry Company received support for the implementation of a joint program from the European Union under the Interreg V-A Slovak-Hungarian Cooperation Program. Project title: FORBEST – Forest Based Education and Training. It aims to improve the lack of or low level of environmental awareness among children and young people, thus reducing future challenges and impacts on the changing natural environment.
Within the framework of the project, an open-air classroom was built and a forest house for future environmental education was renovated. Participants jointly edited a manual, exchanged knowledge for a total of six three-day training sessions, and successfully completed two week-long summer camps.
Szirmabesenyő Nagyközség Önkormányzata
3711 Szirmabesenyő, Kossuth u.5
86,025.95 €
Locations of investment
3711 Szirmabesenyő, Déryné utca 24.
Čermeľské údolie Nr. 14, 04001 Košice, Slovakia