Building partnership!


Building partnership!

JOBS - Technological development for employment creation and sustainable development

  • AcronymGREEN-GOES Kft.
  • Call IDSKHU/1802
  • Priority AxisPromoting employment
  • Specific objective3.1 Decreasing employment inequalities among the regions with a view to improving the level of employment within the programming region
  • Registration No.SKHU/1802/3.1/056
  • Total Project budget1,401,232.68 €
  • Total ERDF awarded1,040,832.41 €
  • Project start date01 November 2019
  • Project end date31 March 2022
  • Website
  • Project statusClosed

Aiming at the sustainable development of the local economy, the following activities will be implemented in the proposal:

LB: - Construction of maintenance hall: to carry out continuous maintenance and repairs on the extending scope of machinery and heavy equipment. -  Utilisation of green waste: as the main activity of the company suggests, significant amount of green waste originates from road construction and reconstruction. To process this, we purchase a production line for its processing and recycling: preparation of green waste, processing and briquetting equipment.

B1: The project includes the purchase of equipment for processing -recycling- construction waste on the construction site and employment of staff necessary for operation. 8 new workplaces will be created in the project that will be filled with Slovak or Hungarian employees (primarily unemployed, disadvantaged target group).

Despite the fact that both project partners are active in the construction industry, they are not competitors but their activities are rather complementary (construction and civil engineering). The implementation of the planned actions open up new opportunities for widening the supply services of the partners, to mutually utilise each other’s spare capacities, to transfer applied up-to-date technologies, construction materials, labour organisation, management and good practices, and to utilise these in the enterprises. The project partners mutually support each other and facilitate market acquisition in Slovakia and in Hungary. Furthermore for both partners there is a positive opportunity to participate at tenders in the form of consortium cooperation. 

Related TAPE: Technological development for employment creation and sustainable development


JOBS - Technological development for employment creation and sustainable development


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded


2030 Érd, Bádogos utca 57.

701,004.99 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

J-STAV spol. s.r.o

99001 Veľký Krtíš, ul. Lučenská 90/1221

339,827.42 €

Locations of investment

