Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Taste of Danubian Nature

  • Call IDSKHU/1601
  • Priority AxisProtecting natural and cultural heritage
  • Specific objective1.1 To increase the attractiveness of the border area
  • Registration No.SKHU/1601/1.1/258
  • Total Project budget1,909,887.49 €
  • Total ERDF awarded1,623,404.35 €
  • Project start date01 January 2018
  • Project end date31 October 2020
  • Website
  • Project statusClosed

Implementation of the project began on 1st January 2018 and ended on 30th November 2020.

The aim of the project was a joint effort of nine project partners from both sides of the Danube to preserve the natural and cultural heritage and to use it for the benefit of rural development. The project was based on the philosophy of Nature Parks, which aims to protect natural and cultural heritage, environmental education, public opinion formation, rural development and development of tourism and recreation. The know-how for implementation was provided by the lead Hungarian cross-border partner Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítasi és Fejlesztési Szövetség, who is one of the founding members of Naturpark Gerecse in Hungary.

Most of the territory where the project was implemented belongs to the NATURA 2000 protected area. We involved environmental and state institutions, 20 municipalities in Slovakia and 30 municipalities in Hungary, associations and entrepreneurs and naturally the local inhabitants.
Following activities were implemented within the project implementation period in the cross-border area: 

1.    Lead Beneficiary - Association of Municipalities „Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova (ZODŽO)“

  • 3500 pieces of the native species of trees (mostly fruit trees) and

               bushes were planted;

  • following infrastructure was placed: insect hotels - 35 pieces,

               authentic wells -  9 pcs, bird houses - 35 pcs and bird watchtowers -    
               4 pcs, phototraps - 33 pcs, 
rain gardens - 24 pcs, small infrastructure - 222 pcs (benches, trash cans, billboards);

  • purchased 20 grass mowers, 4 municipal leaf vacuums;
  • marketing strategy was developed;
  • Publication named “Taste of Danubean nature” presenting project 

                outputs was published. 
2.    Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítási és Fejlesztési Szövetség

  • 20 entry gates of Nature park Gerecse,
  • Info-points were built at 29 locations in Nature park Gerecse;
  • an existing educational trail was completed;
  • environmental lectures took place;
  • A CCTV system for the promotion of the event “Vadlud Sokadalom” was installed.

3.    Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia 

  • The Dropie Adventure Environmental Center was created within which a gazebo as an external classroom and for community activities was built. Further a sensation path, a rope park, a rain garden, bird watchtowers, wooden sheds for livestock was built;
  • the bioremediation of the lake in SEV Dropie (non-mechanical cleaning) was implemented;
  • the drinking water source in SEV Dropie was revitalized;
  • the nursery of the native fruit trees of the region was planted;
  • a study on public rain gardens was elaborated.
  • 40 000 historical postcards showing life in Lower Rye Island villages in past

4.    Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p.

  • Device for mowing aquatic plants and its removal from the water surface was 

5.    Gönyű Község Önkormányzata

  • An educational trail on the Danube promenade was created. On the educational trail, binocular was installed, a boat-shaped playground was built, insect hotels and info-points were installed, a building with expositions was reconstructed.

6.    Zlatná na Ostrove

  • A 247-year old building was renovated in the village of Zlatná na Ostrove, which is being used as a museum of ethnography and at the same time is being used for cultural and environmental activities.

7.    Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie

  • The eco-tourism centre in Veľký Lél was improved: small infrastructure, such as benches, gazebos, authentic wells, children's playground elements, bins, bicycle racks, a boats for educational excursions and a horse carriage completed the existing eco-tourism centre.

8.    Gönyű Horgászegyesület 

  • A building, where a fishing tourism centre was established was reconstructed. A motor boat was purchased for fishing tourism centre. 

9.    Obec Klížska Nemá

  • Festival named „Tastes of Danubean Nature“ was organized in Klížska Nemá (5000 visitors). 
  • A motorboat was purchased and outdoor podium was built.


Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature
Taste of Danubian Nature


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova

Veľké Kosihy, Hlavná 125 946 21

350,925.09 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Által-ér Vízgyűjtő Helyreállítási és Fejlesztési Szövetség

Tata, Kossuth tér 1 2890

276,708.57 €

Beneficiary 2 / ERDF awarded

Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia

Banská Bystrica, Tajovského 28 975 90

140,342.00 €

Beneficiary 3 / ERDF awarded

Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p.

Banská Štiavnica, Radničné námestie 8 969 55

169,150.00 €

Beneficiary 4 / ERDF awarded

Gönyű Község Önkormányzata

Gönyű, Kossuth L. u. 67 9071

144,776.67 €

Beneficiary 5 / ERDF awarded

Obec Zlatná na Ostrove

Zlatná na Ostrove, Školská 184 946 12

148,244.62 €

Beneficiary 6 / ERDF awarded

Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie

Bratislava, Na Riviére 7/a 811 04

91,074.95 €

Beneficiary 7 / ERDF awarded

Gönyű Horgászegyesület

Gönyű, Irányi Dániel u. 2/a 9071

180,837.50 €

Beneficiary 8 / ERDF awarded

Obec Klížska Nemá

Klížska Nemá, Klížska Nemá 52 946 19

121,364.94 €

Locations of investment

Zemianska Olča

Kolárovská 55, 946 14 Zemianska Olča

Zlatná na Ostrove


9071 Gönyű, Kossuth Lajos utca 1

Klížska Nemá

Klížska Nemá


Ceremonial opening of the Traditional house and press conference - 2019/11/08

Ceremonial opening of the traditional house will be held on 8th November 2019 at 3 PM. It is open for public.

  • Location: Cesta Kráľa IV.Bélu 269, 946 12 Zlatná na ostrove
  • Project acronym: NATUR/DANUBEPARKS
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/1.1/258
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates: -
  • Event organized by: Zlatná na Ostrove
  • Contact person: Éva Varjúová
  • Phone number: 0421 908 784349
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Slovak
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: no
  • SKHU/1601/1.1/258 (5)

Children’s Day and ceremonial opening of the Danube Panorama Trail, closing press conference - 2019/06/01

Ceremonial opening of the newly built Danube Panorama Trail, provision of information on project for the public through media

  • Location: 9071, Gönyű, Kossuth L. u. 93.
  • Project acronym: Nature/Danubeparks
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/1.1/258
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates:
  • Event organized by: Gönyű Község Önkormányzata
  • Contact person: Tóth-Lencse Andrea
  • Phone number: 0036 96 544 090/7
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: no
  • SKHU/1601/1.1/258 (5)

Opening press conference - 2018/02/23

Press conference implemented by the Lead beneficiary – association of municipalities „Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova”, within which project, its partners, activities, outputs and aims will be presented.

  • Location: ul. priateľstva - Bašty II., 945 01 Komárno
  • Project acronym: NATUR/DANUBEPARKS
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/1.1/258
  • Website: -
  • GPS coordinates: 47.76647151749294,18.11163380000005
  • Event organized by: Združenie obcí dolného Žitného Ostrova
  • Contact person: Ing. Andrea Fialová
  • Phone number: 0917 329 715
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Slovak
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: no
  • SKHU/1601/1.1/258 (5)


Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail

Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail
Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail
Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail
Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail

We can walk at a new and interactive nature trail in Gönyű, at the Danube bank. Looking at the beautiful panorama and the by qr code available tale, films and application, and playing at the ship playground we will decide to come back here again and again. Many families were curious about the opening 1. June.

  • SKHU/1601/1.1/258 (5)