



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

The ‚Living heritage‘ project has been launched

The ‚Living heritage‘ project has been launched


Partners of the project titled “Enhacement of the ancient cultural cross border heritage profile of historical Nógrád” are Fiľakovo Town and Municipality of Šiatorská Bukovinka from the Slovak side, the hungarian partners are Town of Bátonyterenye and the Bükk National Park Directorate. All of partners will globally receive approximately 1,8 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund and the national co-financing. Fiľakovo Town as Lead Beneficiary is going to change the design of castle extramural settlement and part of lower castle. The Bebek Bastion will also get a new roofing. There will be ways built up leading to the castle, parking places and conforming facilities for visitors. In village Šiatorská Bukovinka the way leading to the Šomoška Castle, situated on the border, will be completely reconstructed thanks to this grant. The Municipality of Bátonyterenye Town will reconstruct serving buildings of the Gyürky-Solymossy manor house, which will be used for presentation of the Palóc folk culture. The Bükk National Park Directorate plans to use the financial resources for archeological research realized in area of the Baglyaskő Castle in Salgótarján, the results of which will be presented in an archeopark. The project will run from September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2019. 
