



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Novum Danuvium

Novum Danuvium


TAPE title Complex innovation program for creating jobs in the Pons Danubii Region
Acronym Novum Danuvium
CCP-LB Pons Danubii Európai Területi Együttműködési Csoportosulás
Duration 32 months
Total budget of TAPE 2 702 237,07 EUR

The Pons Danubii region, with Komárom-Komárno in its centre, covering further mid-sized cities including Tata, Oroszlány, Kolárovo, Hurbanovo and Kisbér, is a COHESIVE CROSSBORDER TERRITORY, equally representing both sides of the border (total pop. 114 460).The region hosts the only existing ROAD AND RAILWAY BRIDGES between Bratislava-Esztergom. The area is SURROUNDED BY CAR MANUFACTURING PLANTS in all directions within a 70-80 km radius, and even more capacities just a little further. The fact that the automotive sector is facing fundamental paradigm changes due to fast technological advancement, provides outstanding opportunities: Local suppliers have to be enabled to PROACTIVELY RESPOND TO CHANGING MARKET NEEDS, quickly target market niches with newly developed services/products, and achieve a critical mass through cooperation. As a high ratio of qualified professionals living here are commuting to external employers, the CREATION OF HIGHER ADDED VALUE JOBS would generate positive results both on economic and social level.

The OVERALL OBJECTIVE of the TAPE (to ensure the long term prosperity and competitiveness through enhanced innovation, cooperation and employment potential of automotive and technology sectors) is served by 3 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:

(1) Accommodate higher added value activities;

(2) Improve services for businesses and their interaction;

(3) Strengthen skills and competences of workforce.

The ambitious process spans over 36 months, totalling EUR 3.34 million. Partners, representing private, NGO and governmental sectors, balanced over the HU and SK sides, led by Pons Danubii EGTC, provide 17% of own contribution. Indirect effects will generate cca. 50-150 positions in the next 5-15 years, while the TAPE directly creates 9 new positions.


  • TATA INNOVATION LAB: provide a shared development environment for regional SMEs, equipped with advanced machinery for the design, preparation and testing of prototypes and sample products in metallurgy sectors.
  • VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY STUDIO: mobile demonstration and development environment, to introduce advanced ICT solutions and training courses.
  • TATA DUAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP: venue of a new traineeship program providing a Material Analysis Workshop and further demonstration equipment.
  • CARRIER ORIENTATION SERVICES: for graduating students of vocational and tertiary education, it will provide a complete and effective framework for future workforce in the regional automotive and technology sectors.
  • KOMÁRNO COMPLEX FABRICATION LAB: Multifunctional space arranged around the theme of innovation, will include practice-oriented workshops with state-of-the-art equipment, meetings, courses and exhibitions, as well as incubation offices available for start-up technology companies.
  • BUSINESS CLUB NETWORK: a cooperation framework for HU and SK entrepreneurs of the target area, based on an innovative business club model.

Related projects:

SKHU/1802/3.1/015 - AUTOTECH INFRA
SKHU/1802/3.1/017 - INNOCENTRE

