

Building partnership!


Building partnership!

SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research

SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research


In a project closure conference held on 6 June, 2019. the Kisvárdai Tankerületi Központ Bessenyei György Gimnázium és Kollégiuma and Gymnázium-Gimnázium Kráľovský Chlmec as beneficiaries reported their results and achievements of SMARTER project which was implemented under Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.

The two institutions applied for the implementation of infrastructure improvements and set of activities promoting cross border inter-institutional cooperation whereas students are sensitized and orientated towards deprived areas of industry with the help of sharing partners’ knowledge of education/teaching, experience and resources widely contributing to reduce the lack of skilled professionals in border regions. 

125 507 EUR was provided co-financed by the European Union and the Regional Development Fund for carrying out the project. In the closing conference primary and secondary school students and also teachers participated who were involved in the activities during the implementation. In the event all the pieces of equipment were presented and tested ( CNC turning machine, 3D printers, LEGO Robots, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, plotters) which were programmed to produce different kinds of products due to the enthusiasm, curiosity, interest, activity and acquired knowledge of the young. Participants were impressed by the spectacular lectures and the interactive presentations. 

The converters of the project hereby express their thanks to the staff members of Duna TV, Kölcsey TV, Zemplén TV, Kossuth Rádió and the press media for accepting their invitation and contributing the success of the project with widespread publication of the events and activities. 

The own webpage of our project:
The webpage of the tender scheme:

For further information:
Gábor Bíró
