



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Complex Instruction workshop: One year`s experiences in Feszty Árpád Elementary School and Kindergarten - 2019/02/21

  • Date:
  • Location: Kúpeľná 6 - Fürdő utca 6., 945 01, Komárno, Slovakia
  • Project acronym: KIP on Learning / Schools in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective teaching and learning - crossborder exchange of knowhow
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/4.1/172
  • Event organized by: Základná škola s materskou školou Árpáda Fesztyho s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským - Feszty Árpád Alapiskola és Óvoda
  • Contact person: Deme László
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: no

The Feszty Árpád Elementary School and Kindergarten Ógyalla invites its partner schools and teachers of the surrounding primary schools with Hungarian teaching language to the workshop called One year`s experiences in Feszty Árpád Elementary School and Kindergarten. Its central theme is the theory and practice of the complex instructional program. This method allows teachers to organize high level group work. The program is suitable for educating a heterogeneous group of students.


During the methodological day, we will try to acquaint you with the positive aspects of the method. After the theoretical introduction, you will see three lessons, maths, Hungarian language and Hungarian reading lessons. We will point out how to tackle classroom status problems by using a variety of different learning materials, and developing the underlying capabilities. Open-ended, multi-faceted tasks provide students with independent creative thinking and development of their problem-solving skills. Special work organization allows teachers to teach children the collaborative standards within the group to successfully complete the tasks. In Slovakia we are among the first to try to help disadvantaged pupils with this method.
