



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Closing event of the Borderless financial and economic education project - 2019/06/13

  • Date: -
  • Location: Budapest - BGSZC Budai Középiskola (1126 Budapest, Márvány u. 32.); Nyíregyháza - Nyíregyházi OK Oktatási Központ (4400 Nyíregyháza, Rákóczi út 1.)
  • Project acronym: Financ-eco education
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/4.1/238
  • Event organized by: OTP Fáy András Foundation
  • Contact person: Larion Fejes
  • Phone number: +3630 239 8689
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: no

The joint closing event of the OTP Fáy András Foundation and the OTP Ready Foundation will take place on June 13, 2019 in the morning in Budapest and in the afternoon in Nyíregyháza.


At the event in Budapest, in the morning, and in the afternoon in Nyíregyháza we will present the results of the "Borderless financial and economic education" project, implemented by Interreg V-A in the Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme to interested students, teachers and responsible parents from the perspective of the two Foundations.
Part of the program is an experience-based presentation from the representatives of the schools involved in the project. In Budapest and Nyíregyháza there will be further professional program elements: in Budapest the audience will be able to hear Annamária Tari’s presentation, with the following title: "Ha tudnád, nem biztos, hogy csinálnád..." (“If you know, you may not be doing it…”), and in Nyíregyháza we will talk with József “Joci” Pápai about career, future consciousness and the way to success.
In Nyíregyháza, the program also includes a roundtable discussion on the subject of financial literacy, and at the end of the event, during a training presentation, participants can get to know one of our robotics practices used in the project.
For the duration of the event, dining will be provided continuously - we will also provide an opportunity for an informal conversation between press representatives, guests and project participants.

Attached documents

Financ-eco education Invitation.docx
2019-06-03 10:47:19
2019-06-03 10:47:19
