



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

STARS CONNECT US project press conference - 2021/04/22 10:00

  • Date: -
  • Location: ONLINE
  • Project acronym: STARS CONNECT US
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1902/4.1/050
  • Event organized by: Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň- Slovak Central Observatory
  • Contact person: Ivan Dorotovič
  • Phone number: +421905366814
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Slovak
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: no

An online opening press conference of the project "Stars Connect US-Astronomy without borders" organised by the partner Slovak Central Observatory (Hurbanovo-Slovakia).


An online opening press conference of the project "Stars Connect US-Astronomy without borders" organised by the partner Slovak Central Observatory (Hurbanovo-Slovakia).

Program of the event:

Event program:

10.00 - welcome speech (M. Vidovenec, I. Kovaliczky)

10.10 - brief description of the activities of the Slovak Central Observatory in Hurbanovo (M. Vidovenec)

10.30 - brief description of the activities of the Károly Posztócky Observatory and Museum in Tata (I. Kovaliczky)

10.50 - characteristics of partnership cooperation and benefits of project partners (M. Vidovenec, I. Kovaliczky)

11. 10 - joint observation programs in Hurbanovo and Tata (I. Dorotovič)

11.30 - discussion

12.00 - end of the press conference


Attached documents

STARS CONNECT US Invitation.pdf
2021-04-06 21:22:21
2021-04-06 21:22:21
STARS CONNECT US Invitation.pdf
2021-04-06 21:22:21
2021-04-06 21:22:21
