



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Closing conference with press conference and exhibition

Closing conference with press conference and exhibition
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition


The final conference of the TAPE - Food Industry Action Plan for Employment took place on 27 June 2023 in Komárom.

The participants at the event were welcomed with a solemn speeches by Czunyiné Dr. Bertalan Judit, Member of Parliament, Government Commissioner responsible for the comprehensive development of the Economic Development Zone of North-West Hungary, Péter Kiss-Parciu, Deputy State Secretary for Regional and Cross-Border Economic Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Jozef Viskupič, President of the Trnava Self-Governing Region, at the same time President of the EAGGF RDV, Jakub Kubáň, representative of the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic, and Csilla Veres, Head of the The Joint Secretariat (JS) of the Interreg VI-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.
After the welcoming speeches, Emma Vasi, the Director of the Rába-Duna-Vág European Territorial Partnership summarized the experiences and results of the project. After the summary, the representatives of the seven partner organisations briefly presented their companies, projects and experiences: Erzsébet Papp, KKV-Union s.r.o., Vörös Géza, Vörös Tészta Manufaktúra Kft., Emmer Szabolcs, Kősziklás Borászat Kft., Hajko Ladislav, AEH s.r.o., Ján Faltýs from Mäsovinky s.r.o., Dr. Pál Szakál, professor of the Department of Water and Environmental Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of the Széchenyi István University in Mosonmagyaróvár, and Martin Polovka, general manager, Národné agriculturistske a potravinárske centrum (National Center for Agriculture and Food Industry).
During the event, Szilveszter Holop, Deputy Head of the Joint Secretariat of the Széchenyi Programiroda Nonprofit Kft, drew attention to the importance of the mechanism and role of cross-border regional action plans in his presentation.
Finally, József Berényi, Vice President of the District Municipality of Trnava, Chairman of the Technical Committee of the RDV ETT, pointed out that another benefit of introducing innovative technologies is job creation - thanks to the investment made by the TAPE-Food Industry project, a total of seven new jobs have been created.

The event was accompanied by an exhibition, where the project partners had the opportunity to present their businesses and products.  The event had finished with a buffet lunch, designed around the theme of the project, where the caterer had prepared the dishes to be served using vegetables, fruit, meat, flour and pasta products produced by the project partners.
