Building partnership!


Building partnership!

IVY volunteer wanted!

IVY volunteer wanted!


The Joint Secretariat Interreg Hungary-Slovakia is looking for an IVY volunteer! The volunteer will support the Interreg Hungary-Slovakia Programme, which aims to relieve administrative and legal barriers at the Hungarian-Slovak border, to build up mutual trust between the citizens of the area and to make the border region environmentally friendly.

The volunteer will be carrying outthe following activities and tasks:

  • Promoting projects: They will help spread the word and keep stakeholders engaged by crafting compelling stories, gathering captivating photos, and capturing video testimonials showcasing approximately 45 projects funded through the Hungary-Slovakia Interreg Programme;
  • Organizing European Cooperation Day: Their assistance would be invaluable in supporting coordination of events at the program level, ensuring the seamless execution of activities aimed at celebrating European cooperation and fostering cross-border partnerships.

Volunteer will work in close collaboration with the staff members but she/he is responsible for compelling project stories in three language mutation.

Collaboration and teamwork are central to our approach, and IVY volunteers will be integrated into the team seamlessly. They will have the opportunity to contribute their insights, ideas, and skills.

Other information:

  • Financial support of: 27 euros per day (week-end and holidays included).
  • Location: Budapest, Hungary.
  • Start and duration: August, for 4 months.
  • Languages*: Slovak (B2), Hungarian (B2), English (B2)

*Please be aware that the languages mentioned are the minimum level of command required.

I want to apply!

