



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Kick-off Circular Slovakia - Virtual meeting of platform members

Kick-off Circular Slovakia - Virtual meeting of platform members


The event was organized in order to welcome the first 50 members of the platform Circular Slovakia. During the event, a joint declaration was signed virtually, by which the members committed to actively cooperate in accelerating the transition to a circular economy in Slovakia. The agenda also included a presentation of cooperating partners and their projects, including the project CircularRegions.

The platform Circular Slovakia was established as a public-private initiative of 7 founding organizations in December 2019. Slovak Business Agency as the lead beneficiary and Institute of Circular Economics as the beneficiary (B1) of the CircularRegions project figured among the founding partners too. Gradually, various companies and organizations joined the initiative. On 18th of March 2021, the initiative became an association of legal entities and the number of members reached 50. The virtual event “Kick-off Circular Slovakia” celebrated formal establishment of the platform, all 50 members were welcomed and by signing a joint statement cooperation toward circular Slovakia was declared.
The event was launch with a welcoming speech from the vice-president, Petra Csefalvayová, and followed by a presentation of activities for 2021 and the goals achieved in the previous year.
The networking part followed, where participants were divided into smaller groups, introduced themselves and shared their motivation to enter the platform.
The interactive program was followed by a presentation of partner organizations and their projects. The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic presented the state of preparation of the Circular Economy Roadmap for the Slovak republic. The company SUSTO presented the latest Eco-innovation report 2018-2019 of Slovakia and a map of eco-innovation activities. Part of the event was also dedicated to the CircularRegions project. The project manager, Andrej Špánik, presented the project, its main goals, the problems that the project identified and invited the participants to cooperate. The CircularRegions project was presented to the public for the first time and received highly positive feedback from participants.
After a lively discussion, the event ended.

