



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Summary of the 11. MC meeting

Summary of the 11. MC meeting


Monitoring Committee (further as MC) of the Interreg SKHU held its next meeting on the 13 July 2020. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held online for the first time.

Assessing the results of the SKHU/1902 Call for Proposals was the main topic on the agenda. Members of the Committee evaluated and acknowledged the proposed Ranking list of the projects. Based on the Ranking list, the Committee has approved a set of projects to be financed in each Priority Axis. The project applications which reached at least 65 points were put on a reserve list, those with lower ranks had to be rejected.


Managing Authority was tasked to prepare a methodology based on which the projects from reserve list might be financed. As current status of the Programme provides small margin, the projects on the reserve list would be funded only in case of remaining funds.

Amongst other issues the Monitoring Committee debated the changes to the Interreg V-A SKHU Cooperation Programme related to COVID-19 outbreak. MC has also accepted the change in its Rules of Procedure because the Slovak National Authority will be moved to the newly established Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization.
