



Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Summary of the 8th Monitoring meeting


The 8th Monitoring Committee of the programme was held on 26th April 2018 in Bratislava. 

There were a lot of topics to discuss and approve in front of the members of the Committee. First of all decision had to be made about the list of the applications submitted for the SKHU/1601 Call for proposals within Priority axis 2 (PA2). The Monitoring Committee approved en bloc the list of projects that was prepared by the Joint Secretariat in line with the Assessment manual. 

List of approved projects – SKHU/1601 Priority axis 2 (26 April 2018)

The same procedure was followed in case of the SKHU/1703 Call for Proposals, which was aimed to receive Territorial Action Plans for Employment (TAPE). The aim of the plans is to enhance the employment in the regions following strategic development concepts. The Monitoring Committee approved the list of TAPE-s, which are now entitled to prepare for the second round of application, when the development of single projects may start for each approved TAPE. 

List of approved TAPE-s – SKHU/1703 Priority axis 3 (26 April 2018)

The Monitoring Committee discussed a possible modification of the Cooperation Programme. The goal of the change would be reallocating the remaining amount from Priority axis 2 to Priority axis 1 due to the fact that the interest in PA2 is less than expected, while in PA1 during the first call for proposals the overall demand was more than 4 times higher than the available allocation. It is obvious that there would be a huge interest in the priority axis dealing with Nature and culture. The Monitoring committee gave mandate to the Managing Authority to initiate the modification of the Cooperation Programme at the European Commission. The Joint Secretariat informed the members about the fulfilment of performance framework (indicators of the programme) based on the current situation.

During the afternoon session the Monitoring Committee dealt with more operative issues. They approved the following documents: 
-    Annual Implementation Report 2017
-    modification of the Evaluation plan
-    modification of the Visibility Guide for projects
-    modification of the Guide on eligible expenditures

Within the last agenda point (Any other business) the members exchanged information about several topics including the plan for call for proposals in the future, assessment procedures and the planning of post 2020 period.
