Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Common development of security institutional capacity

  • AcronymCODESIC
  • Call IDSKHU/1902
  • Priority AxisEnhancing cooperation of public authorities
  • Specific objective4.1 Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens.
  • Registration No.SKHU/1902/4.1/109
  • Total Project budget305,373.16 €
  • Total ERDF awarded259,567.22 €
  • Project start date01 November 2021
  • Project end date30 June 2023
  • Project statusClosed

The aim of the project CODESIC is to support the capacity development of institutions and voluntary organizations in crisis management, preparedness for their management and ensuring the protection and safety of the population through cross-border cooperation.

Two significant watercourses flow through the city of Košice, on which two important water structures are built in the area above the city of Košice - the Ružín waterworks with a capacity of 45.3 million m3 built on the Hornád river, and the Bukovec waterworks with a capacity of 25 million m3 built on the watercourse of Ida. In the event of a technical accident, the waterworks endanger several tens of thousands of inhabitants in the territory of the Slovak Republic and due to the territorial proximity another tens of thousands of inhabitants of Hungary, including the partner town of Miskolc. The City of Košice will prepare visualizations of possible breakthrough wave simulations in Ružín and Bukovec, which in case of emergency will be used to protect life, health and wealth of inhabitants living in the catchment area of the watercourses.

The City of Košice also develops an emnergency calling system to support crisis management in the city. Paralel each partner will renew or upgrade their equipment necessary for rescue work to ensure the highest level of preparedness for an emergency situation. 


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Mesto Košice

04011 Košice, Trieda SNP 48/A

91,794.73 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Mrak o.z.

04001 Košice-Myslava, Pod Hrabinou 535/48

42,308.24 €

Beneficiary 2 / ERDF awarded

Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata

3525 Miskolc, Városház tér 8., Pf.:180

101,388.00 €

Beneficiary 3 / ERDF awarded

Miskolci Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület

3525 Miskolc, Dózsa György út 15.

24,076.25 €

