Building partnership!


Building partnership!

JOBS - Adjusting building trade education to the needs of the labor market

  • AcronymEDUCATION
  • Call IDSKHU/1802
  • Priority AxisPromoting employment
  • Specific objective3.1 Decreasing employment inequalities among the regions with a view to improving the level of employment within the programming region
  • Registration No.SKHU/1802/3.1/016
  • Total Project budget95,047.60 €
  • Total ERDF awarded80,790.46 €
  • Project start date01 January 2021
  • Project end date31 August 2022
  • Project statusClosed

Despite the unemployment level in the border region, construction enterprises very often face the problem of not finding professional staff. An obstacle to sufficient employment is the lack of interest of getting trained in construction professions. The long-term mission of the project is to provide trained staff for the construction industry. The main target group of the project is students in primary school classes 5-9 and their parents (or legal representatives), educators, career guidance consultants, registered jobseekers, the newly graduated, those having obsolete or low level construction skills, profession-leavers and other employees, with special attention to involving disadvantaged groups. Furthermore the project brings about positive changes for the students and teachers of construction vocational school, the construction enterprises of the area, those interested in starting up an enterprise and the SMEs. The inhabitants of the border region will indirectly benefit from the project outcomes as well.
The project contributes to:
-    the increase of employment rate in the border region, especially considering the growing employment of the disadvantaged,
-    the improvement of construction trainings and their equipment, and their better focus on labour market needs,
-    the increase of participants in construction vocational education,
-    providing well-trained staff for construction enterprises,.
The project brings about significant advantages for both partners and the target groups. The project activities consider the border region as an integrated and homogeneous labour market, they are based on cross-border mobility and provide unified solutions for the Hungarian and the Slovak partner as well.


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Határmenti Régió Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány

2660 Balassgyarmat, Rákóczi fejedelm útja 13.

33,881.00 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Spojená škola

99001 Modrý Kameň, Jarmočná 1

46,909.46 €

