European Regional Development Fund
The objective of RE-CREATION is to develop and introduce so far non-existent recreational services in the Lower Ipel Valley with a special focus on the elderly generation’s needs but open to any further visitors. On the one side, it will increase employment, since the recreational services will attract new service providers into the target area. On the other side, based on these new services, the attractiveness and visibility of the target area will increase, inciting more people to visit the region, or even to settle down there, and as a result, creating new workplaces in the labour market.
RE-CREATION will provide new services and opportunities for health preservation in the target area – which are currently almost non-existent (social and health terapies are only available in Sturovo or beyond the Valley). As a result, in-door (salt room, fitoroom, group terapies, etc.) and out-door (e-bike, nordic walking, street work out, animal teraphy) recreational activities will be avaialbe for the target group who are mainly elders from the Lower Ipel Valley in the beginning. However, due to the labelling and marketing activities, seniors from other regions and countries will be attracted to visit the region. Since the different recreational activities will be offered at both sides of the river (and certain activities will literally connect the two sides) it will reinforce the integration of the region. Both sides of the river have endogenous natural and recretaional potentials thus the labelling and marketing activities will promote them as an area with intergrated recretaional services.
Related TAPE: RE-START: Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley
BURDA, n.o.
94365 Chľaba, 197
70,863.16 €
Bernecebaráti Turisztikai és Kulturális Egyesület
2639 Bernecebaráti, Madách út 26.
120,215.11 €
Dunakanyar Ipoly Börzsöny Területfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
2631 Ipolydamásd, Fő út 16.
120,866.43 €
Ipolydamásd Község Önkormányzata
2631 Ipolydamásd, Fő utca 85.
257,979.88 €
Locations of investment
Bernecebaráti Madách út 26.