Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Programme  &  Monitoring Committee

About the Interreg HUSK Programme

The European Commission adopted the Interreg Programme between Hungary and Slovakia for 2021-2027 on 3 November 2022. 

Planned schedule of the call for proposals

Downloadable version


Other initiatives

Other than the priorities, objectives and principles we have listed our official Interreg Programme documents we support other initiatives, that align with our programme. Please find the information booklets here:

Nature-based solutions - A chance to break our habits - a way to transform our future.

New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative aims to support and accelerate the green transition of settlements and regions.

Public procurement for a better environment



Based on Article 32 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the European Parliament and of the Council, each Interreg Programme must submit quarterly financial reports to the European Commission. By clicking on the link below you may find the reports of the Interreg HUSK programme.


Project data


Monitoring committee meetings

The Monitoring Committee (MC) is a board of delegated representatives from Hungary and Slovakia, who make the decisions regarding the implementation of the programme.

At least once a year the MC shall have a joint meeting to review the progress of the programme and take the necessary steps to enhance the smooth operation. Read more about the management structure of the programme here. In order to ensure the transparency of the programme the minutes of the MC meetings are available for download below. 

HUSK Monitoring Committee meeting minutes

1. MC meeting (Budapest, 24/01/2023)

2. MC meeting (online, 14/04/2023)

3. MC meeting (Budapest, 29/02/2024)


Anti-fraud measures