European Regional Development Fund
What is Interreg?
Eligible area
Management structure
Interreg HUSK 2021-2027
Interreg SKHU 2014-2020
HUSK 2007-2013
Call for proposals
Small Project Fund
Funded projects
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What is Interreg?
Eligible area
Management structure
Interreg HUSK 2021-2027
Interreg SKHU 2014-2020
HUSK 2007-2013
Call for proposals
Call for Assessors - CFA-HUSK-2501
Call for proposals – HUSK-2401
Small project fund call for proposals - HUSK-SPF-2401
Call for Assessors - CFA-HUSK-2401
Small project fund call for proposals - HUSK/SPF/2301
Call for Territorial Assessors – CFA-HUSK-2302
Reopened call for assessors HUSK-2301 (round 3)
Call for proposals – HUSK-2302
Reopened call for assessors HUSK-2301
1. non-competitive targeted call for proposals in the Interreg HUSK Programme
Call for assessors HUSK-2301
Call for Territorial Assessors – CFA/2001
2nd Call for small project proposals in the Western border area
2nd Call for small project proposals in the Eastern border area
Call for Proposals – SKHU/1902
Restricted call for proposals for Territorial action plan projects
Call for small project proposals in the Western border area
Call for proposals for Territorial action plan projects
1st Call for small project proposals SKHU/ETA/1801
Call for proposals for Small and Medium Enterprises – SKHU/1801
Call for Assessors - SKHU/1801 - 2. round
Call for Assessors - SKHU/1801
Call for Assessors /Territorial experts/ of TAPE
Call for Assessors for TAPE
Call for proposals for Territorial action plans - SKHU1703
2nd round of the Call for Small Project Fund Umbrella Projects
Call for Assessors for B-Light Scheme projects
Call for B-Light Scheme Project Proposals
Call for Small Project Fund Umbrella Projects
Call for Proposals - SKHU1601
Small Project Fund
Funded projects
From the Tatras to Tisza
Development of webGIS platform based on big-geodata for the Tokaj Wine Region foster cross-border collaboration
Cross-border Innovation Service Portfolio
Crossing Bridges with the Help of Ambassadors
Building institutional cooperation for greener settlements within the territory of Arrabona EGTC
Improving the availability of medical care and screening tests through the cross-border cooperation of small settlements
Promoting Entrepreneurship in the Vocational Education
Increase the Institutional Capacity in the Field of Nearly Zero Energy Building and E-Mobility Management
Emerging Young EntrepreneurS - Developing Entrepreneurial Spirit in Slovakia and Hungary
Common development of a TALENT program - Learning Innovative Forms of Education
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research in Kisvárdai Bessenyei György Gimnázium és Kollégium and Gymnázium-Gimnázium Kráľovský Chlmec
Creating the possibility of E-Radiology Cooperation between hospitals in Miskolc and Kráľovský Chlmec
Cross-border network cooperation of stakeholders in herbal industry
Strengthening cross-border civil society through the development of a joint volunteer exchange system
Linguistic Landscape: innovative methodologies strengthening bilingualism in the Hungarian-Slovakian border region
Silver economy
Schools in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective teaching and learning - crossborder exchange of knowhow
Logistic support system for flood crisis management in the Hernád/Hornád catchment
"Smart Communities" Virtual Education and Research and Development and Innovation Network in the Slovakian - Hungarian border region
Borderless financial and economic education
Without borders and barriers
Forest Based Education and Training
Circle of Circular economy
Living Tradition Elements
Cooperation and Networking for Preserving Common Industrial Heritage
Struggle of Addicts on Drugs
KOMBI - Cross-border integrated bike sharing system
Public cross-border bicycle-sharing system in Esztergom and Štúrovo
The Hungarian and Slovak foresters bee project
Foresters raising publics´environmental awareness
Helping natural forests together
SacraVelo – Network of cross-border bicycle pilgrim routes in the Danube area
Medical/wellness tourism development in the world heritage caves of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst
Cultural programmes for bridging gaps between Győr and Dunajská Streda
Touristic Development of Franciscan Cultural Heritage Sites of the Border Area by the Cooperation of the Two Provinces
Connecting Heritages
Rowing in one river - Increasing the attractiveness of Ipeľ/Ipoly valley with making the best of regional natural and cultural values' potential
Sweet memories, traditional flavors from Galanta to Mándok
Discover the Small & Moson Danube by bike and boat
Rehabilitation, revitalisation and dissemination of cultural heritage in the monasteries of Samorin and Győr
Narrow gauge railways as attractions and gates to nature
Creation of a water amusement trail on the river Bodrog and its tributaries
Slovakian and Hungarian Zoos for the Conservation of Native Fauna along the border regions
Birds without Borders
Palócland - Hont - Podpolanie: visitor-friendly development of common cultural heritage thematic routes
ABA GREENWAY – „GREEN EXPERIENCE” - Realization of Hidasnémeti, Perín-Chym, Kechnec, Abaújvár, Telkibánya cross- border greenway
Castle to castle
CULTPLAY - Interactive Thematic Parks - Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage
Sustainable and virtual tourism development in the Nógrád-Hont cross-border region
Common heritage, joint future - Trees without borders
ECOtourism in Kamenín and Héreg villages
Preservation of traditions in Martovce - Neszmély
Use of the fragments of nature in the former industrial-used areas in the rural areas
Development of tourism infrastructure in Ohrady and Erdőkürt
HUSK Limes Romanus knocking on UNESCO´s door
Taste of Danubian Nature
Enhancement of the ancient cultural cross border heritage profile of historical Nógrád
Small Project Fund for the Eastern Programming Area - Priority Axis 1
Small Project Fund for the Eastern Programming Area - Priority Axis 4
Small Project Fund for the Western Programming Area - Priority Axis 1
Small Project Fund for the Western Programming Area - Priority Axis 4
Building Ipoly-bridge between Ipolydamásd - Chl'aba
Building cross border ferry connection and necessary infrastructure between Neszmély and Radvaň nad Dunajom
Improvement of cross-border public transport services between Komárno (SK) and Komárom (HU)
Establishing a Cross-border Community Bicycle Transport System on the settlements of Sátoraljaújhely, Zemplín and Viničky
Výstavba mosta pre peších a cyklistov Dobrohošť – Dunakiliti/Doborgaz - Dunakiliti gyalogos- és kerékpáros híd építése
Tourism for all ages 0-100: tours and recreation on "Palócföld - Hont - Podpoľanie" joint thematic route
Establishment and networking of castle history experience points, development of innovative tourist services in the Hungarian-Slovak border region
Innovative development of Cultural and Active Tourism along the touristic routes in Hegyköz Area
Festival without borders
Cross-border HU-SK virtual tours
Establishing experience centres in the Slovakian-Hungarian border regions
Cserehát AP - Coordination and Communication Project
Cserehát AP - Development of local + 2
Cserehát AP - Meet the Local Needs
Cserehát AP - Through renovation to the education
RE-START - Cooperation and coordination
NOVUM DANUVIUM - Infrastructure development for key automotive suppliers and technology companies of the Pons Danubii Region
IG HERITAGE - Development of sales infrastructure of local products_2.0
NOVUM DANUVIUM - Coordination and communication of the complex innovation program for creating jobs in the Pons Danubii Region
IG HERITAGE - Coordination and communication
ORG EMP - Coordination and communication
ORG EMP - Infrastructure development of cross-border labour mobility
ORG EMP - Development of manufacturing capacities in Nagyoroszi
JOBS - Cooperation and coordination
JOBS - Technological development for employment creation and sustainable development
IG HERITAGE- Development of regional processing and retailing capacities
IG HERITAGE - Development of sales infrastructure of local products
RE-START - Project 2 RE-BOOT: Social Service & Network Development for Elderly
FUTURE IN HEMP - Cooperation and coordination
FUTURE IN HEMP - Road links development between Nagyrozvágy (HU) and Veľký Horeš (SK)
FOOD INDUSTRY - Coordination and Communication Project
FOOD INDUSTRY - Project 2: Co-innovation
FOOD INDUSTRY - Local Product Processing
ORG-EMP - Hit the road
JOBS - Borderless Nature - Ipel'/Ipoly Bridge
NOVUM DANUVIUM - Sustainable workforce pipeline for the automotive and technology sectors in the Pons Danubii Region
IG HERITAGE - Development of services supporting local wine makers in the region
RE-START - RE-STRUCTURING: Modernisation & Transformation of Social Services Infrastructure
CSEREHÁT AP - Development of Local+ products 1
FUTURE IN HEMP - Processing and employment knowledge sharing program
FUTURE IN HEMP - Manufacturing development based on the processing of hempseed
FUTURE IN HEMP - Manufacturing development based on the processing of hemp fiber
Cserehát AP - Find your way to the labour market
Developing an integrated age-friendly region within the area of the Ipoly-Völgye EGTC
Reducing Risks by Improving Interoperability between Slovakia and Hungary for Better Preparedness
Start Up Competition + Development of Entrepreneurial Competences in Vocational Schools of the Border Region
Two temples, one heritage
Narrow gauge railways as unique gates to nature and cultural heritage
FUTURE IN HEMP - Development of the production and sales infrastructure based on industrial hemp
Territorial Planning Laboratory
Joint chemical laboratory for the service of bioeconomy in the Slovak-Hungarian border region
Industrial Property cross-border pre-assessment tool
Smart Communities 2.0 – How to be smart in the countryside?
Cross-border capacity building for developing circular regions
Facilitating access to health interventions on both sides of the border
Stars Connect Us - Astronomy without borders
Digital and Interactive Financial Literacy Tales
Improving the institutional capacity of technical vocational schools through cross-border cooperation
Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation
Active ageing - Create a cross border team of ambassadors in order to improve the quality of life for Slovak and Hungary seniors
Improving the level of cooperation of two cross-border hospitals in the field of gastroenterology
Preservation and Increasing Attractivity of Ancient Trees as Hidden Treasures in Historic Gardens Towards Green Tourism
Cross-border Cooperation in Healthcare between the Hospitals of Balassagyarmat and Veľký Krtíš
Robot-assisted Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation
Interactive Castles in Zemplén-Gömör Region
Cross-border cooperation to revive forgotten partnership in Gombasek and Szilvásvárad
Cooperating for reopening the Balassa Balint Museum in Esztergom and Esterhazy manor-house in Zeliezovce
Cross border development of bird watching based ecotourism in Special protection areas
Promoting the Borsi Castle by developing networked touristic attractions to be delivered by the II. Rákóczi Ferenc non-profit organisation and the local authority of Sátoraljaújhely
Increasing the attractiveness of Nógrád through the cooperation of Halič and Dornyai cultural-historical-tourist centers
RE-START - RE-NEWAL: Development of Local Shared Services
Riverside Wildlife Once and Today
The Development of Wine Tourism with Service Spaces - Historic Wine Cellars of Hercegkút and Malý Horeš
Enhancing promotion & protection of biodiversity to preserve natural heritage in the Slovak-Hungarian cross-border region
MOBILEUM - Cooperation of mobility related interactive science exhibitions
Inter-institutional health care cooperation between hospitals VITALITA and PAMOK
Slovak - Hungarian GeoTouristic Partnership
Capacity building in partnership across borders for future museums
IG HERITAGE - Cross-border brand building
JOBS - Adjusting building trade education to the needs of the labor market
Two families - one history - two regions - one nation
Infrastructure and attractiveness improvement of cross-border equestrian leisure sport in the Danube Bend area in Slovak-Hungarian cooperation
Bike and Horse riding
Joint Development of the Fortress System of Komárno and Komárom
Milling – the forgotten craft of our ancestors
RE-START - RE-CREATION: portfolio of new services
R2 and M3 - Cooperation and Coordination Project
R2 and M3 - Common steps towards digitalisation
R2 and M3 - Ready for Work. Integration of disadvantaged social groups to the labour market
R2 and M3 - Development of production capacities with a view to becoming a supplier
Cserehát AP - Build and promote local image
Education for Sustainable Development in the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov region
Improve the level of education in field of IT for students of primary and secondary schools on both sides of border
Cross-border destination development based on tourism attractions
Common development of security institutional capacity
RivEr JOurney experIenCE
NOVUM DANUVIUM - Complex Innovation Centre for automotive & technology companies and education institutions of the Pons Danubii Region
R2 and M3 - Development of investment environment
RE-START - RE-BIRTH: Active Ageing
Bike Paradise
A bolder, simpler, faster Union – Public consultation
Information day for project partners
Project Implementation Manual is published
Change of submission deadline - HUSK-2401
Let's shape the post 2027 Interreg programmes together!
Binding guidance for Slovak partners on public procurement procedures
IVY volunteer wanted!
Vacancy announcement 2024
Public consultation of the draft call for proposals for tourism
Announcement of Call for Proposals HUSK-2302 Results
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition
Practical workshop (“grape”)
Practical workshop ('fruits' - special fruit and herbal beverages)
Recruitment announcement 2023
List of approved projects in HUSK/2301 Call for proposals
Guide on Slovak public procurement process_6
Public consultation of the upcoming HUSK/2302 call for proposals
Planned schedule of HUSK calls for proposals in 2021-2027
Handover ceremony in Barabás - FUTURE IN HEMP TAPE
Short version of the Interreg Programme is available now in national languages
New Interreg HUSK Programme approved
The Slovak National Authority is moving
Second Phase Evaluation of the Programme is in progress
European Cooperation Day - 2nd Climate expo in Győr
Exchange of experiences between the Slovakia-Hungary and Poland-Slovakia Interreg programmes
Publication of Calls for expressions of interest by DG REGIO
Handover ceremony in Kosice - FUTURE IN HEMP TAPE
Closing conference of the InProTool project connected with the press conference
Folktales help to raise children’s financial awareness
New Small Project Fund call for proposals
Opening ceremony of the pumpkin oil pressing factory
New Interreg Programme between Hungary and Slovakia
How and why to measure the circularity of your company?
Vacancy announcement 2022
Foundation stone laying ceremony in Gombasek
Public participation in the SEA process in Slovakia
International Conference 150 years of the Astronomical Observatory in Hurbanovo
Public consultation regarding the Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Cooperation Programme for the period 2021-2027
Public participation in the SEA process in Hungary / Társadalmi részvétel Magyarországon az SKV folyamatban
Strategic Environtmental Assessment related to the new Interreg Programme in Slovakia
Call for Proposals of the Small Project Fund SKHU/WETA/ 2101
Scope of evaluation of the Interreg Cross-border Cooperation Program Slovak Republic-Hungary 2021 - 2027
Study tour for young students
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) has started in Slovakia
'Moldava' marketplace opening cermeony in Encs
New legislation for 2021-2027
Approval of other small projects for the Eastern Program Area
Guide on Slovak public procurement process_4.0
"Encs" marketplace opening ceremony in Moldava nad Bodvou
3rd Smart Communities Academy International Conference
Kick-off Circular Slovakia - Virtual meeting of platform members
Hungarian Beneficiary Reporting package updated - Version 1-11
Guide on Slovak public procurement process_v3-00
Consultation on the long-term future of cross-border cooperation
Introduction of the SKHU/1902 tourism projects
Introduction of the SKHU/1902 natural heritage projects
Introduction of the cultural heritage projects
Helping natural forests together II
The list of approved small projects within 4th round of the Call SKHU/1901
Notification of change
Beneficiary’s package updated - Version 1-11
Temporary Cooperation Programme modification
Summary of the 11. MC meeting
List of approved projects in SKHU/1902 Call for proposals
The list of approved small projects within 3rd round of the Call SKHU/ETA/1901
Project handover event in Bratislava
Virtual 3D tours in the border region by CBCTours project
Europe day 2020
National Authority published the Amendment no.2 to the De minimis aid scheme
Digital Guidance System at the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút
Announcement related to the coronavirus
List of approved small projects within the 2nd round of the Call SKHU/ETA/1901
R2 and M3
Food industry
Novum Danuvium
RE-START: Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley
Territorial Action Plan for Employment
Medical/wellness tourism development in the World Heritage Caves of the Aggtelek and Slovak Karst
Employment Cross-border Action plan of the Cserehát micro-region
Press conference at Hrhov ponds
Sweet flavours in the reception building of Mándok
Floodresc Closing conference
Doing business abroad - inspiration, tips, and tricks
The History of the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút according to the Historia Domus and Other Archival Sources
Pálfi István award to our colleague, Silvester Holop
Beneficiary’s package updated - Version 1-10
International Forum of Woman Entrepreneurs – Foreign Market opportunities, experiences in the Golden Triangle
Information days - SKHU/1902
Beneficiary’s package updated - Version 1-09
European Cooperation Day 2019
Project Closing Ceremony - TOKAJGIS
Press conference
Recruitment announcement 2019-02
Let’s do business in Hungary
“Innovative enterprises of exemplary rural women” – International Conference
Beekeeping Day
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
Summary of the First phase evaluation of the Programme
Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail
Lean Startup Management Workshop & Startup Budapest Forum
Water Mill and Open-Air Museum in Jelka is open for public
Ceremonial opening of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Hurbanovo
Summary of the 10. MC meeting
Child Hubert
Beneficiary’s package updated - Version 1-07
Borderless financial and economic education at Komárňanské dni
Approved projects within the Western Small Project Fund
Workshop on Global Business Communication Skills
B2B meeting of Hungarian – Slovak automotive companies and R&D providers
9th Be smart startup competition
Co-operation in the field of teleradiology between cross-border hospitals
Closing conference of Forbest project
Recruitment announcement 2019
The list of approved projects within the 1st Call of the Eastern Small Project Fund
Small Project Fund
Summary of 2018
Interreg Christmas game on Facebook
Cooperation Programme modified
Innovation service providers for a strengthened competitiveness of local enterprises
Beneficiary’s package updated (v1-04)
Closing of SKHU/1801 SME call
B2B meetings on the topic of Research and Development in the ICT sector
Smart Communities
Summary of the 9. Monitoring meeting
European Cooperation Day
Winners of the Photo contest and photo exhibition
Common eco-tourism destination branding
Photo contest
Recruitment announcement - June 2018
Call for small project proposals in the East and info days
Summary of the 8th Monitoring meeting
Beneficiary’s package updated
Lead Beneficiary seminars in May 2018
IMIS 2014-2020 Application module is open
Info days about the call for proposals for SME-s
Slovak First Level Control Info days
30 years’ anniversary of Cohesion policy - Part 3
Helping natural forests together
First Level Control guides are published
Foresters raising publics´environmental awareness
30 years’ anniversary of Cohesion policy - Part 2
Recruitment announcement 2018
30 years’ anniversary of Cohesion policy - Part 1
Forest Based Education and Training (FORBEST)
"Bees are children of the forest"
Public consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion
Guide on Slovak public procurement process
Snow was not an obstacle for a successful kick-off workshop of Danube Bike&Boat project partners
Call for Assessors for TAPE
The joint program of the OTP Fáy András Foundation and the OTP Ready Foundation has started
The ‚Living heritage‘ project has been launched
Borderless financial and economic education
Summary of European Cooperation Day 2017
PA3 Info Days in Hungary and Slovakia
European Cooperation Day 2017
Citizen’s summary 2016
Call for proposals for Territorial Action Plans
Information for Slovak Beneficiaries
Summary of the 6th monitoring committee meeting
Expression of interest in Priority axis 2
Results of the first call for proposals – What to do now?
Summary of the 5th Monitoring Committee meeting
Europe day 2017
Summary of the 4th Monitoring Committee meeting
1st Call for Assessors re-opened
Summary of the 1st Call for proposals
The Joint Secretariat is moving offices
1st Call for Assessors in the Interreg V-A SKHU Programme
Instructions for personal delivery
Change of submission deadline
Summary of Info days
Ex-post evaluation of the 2007-2013 ETC programmes
Summary of the opening conference in Belá
Opening conference
Recruitment announcement
Summary of the 3rd Monitoring Committee meeting
3rd place in the Best Interreg V website competition
Special award for an exhibition in Cigánd, Hungary financed from HUSK 2007-2013 programme
Results of the consultation on overcoming obstacles in border regions last year
Citizens' summary of the Annual Report 2015
Summary of the 2nd Monitoring Committee meeting of the Interreg V-A SKHU programme
Happy Holidays!
Welcome to the website of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme
Closing event with the horseback archery show
Ceremonial opening of the renovated parts of the Fort Igmánd in Komárom - 2023/12/27 14:30
Closing ceremony of the project KOMFORT - 2023/12/21 10:00
Otvorenie nového projektu: Attraction - 2023/12/20 14:00
Handover of the project - BIRD TOUR - 2023/12/15 16:00
Closing event of RE-START ACTION PLAN - 2023/12/15 10:00
CLOSING EVENT CEREMONY - 2023/11/28 15:00
Closing event with press conference - 2023/11/28 11:00
Closing Event in Ipolytarnóc - 2023/11/21 11:00
Bike Paradise - Handover ceremony - 2023/11/15 15:00
The Csontváry Memorial House handover ceremony in Halič - 2023/10/27 13:00
closing event open to the press - 2023/10/27 11:30
Development of Investment Environment M3-R2 - 2023/10/20 09:30
Hornad triathlon - 2023/10/14
M3-R2 TAPE Closing event - 2023/10/10 10:00
Hornad Paddling - 2023/10/08 08:00
Business development and regionality - 2023/10/05 10:00
GAMER ZONE Handover and MOBILEUM project closing ceremony - 2023/09/29 14:00
Hornad Green Day - 2023/09/28 07:00
Project closing event - 2023/09/27 15:00
Hornad Green Day Education programme - 2023/09/26 14:30
Final Conference of the project STARS CONNECT US - 2023/09/21 09:30
Handover ceremony of the Dornyay House - 2023/08/27 10:00
Closing event - 2023/06/30
Education Center in Ipolydamásd - Handover Ceremony - 2023/06/29 17:00
Handover ceremony - 2023/06/29 11:00
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition - 2023/06/27 09:00
Alajos Szokolyi Memorial Run - 2023/06/24 09:30
Handover ceremony - Burda Center - 2023/06/21 14:00
Handover ceremony - Handcraft House in Salka - 2023/06/21 11:00
Closing conference with press conference and exhibition - 2023/06/19 09:00
Closing ceremony and ceremonial opening of the Cultplay park in Tata (HU) - 2023/06/16 10:00
Handover ceremony - nursing home of Szob - 2023/06/15 16:00
CoME-in Workshop - 2023/06/12 10:00
Invitation to the information day in Košice
Practical workshop (“fruits - special fruit and herbal beverages”) - 2023/06/01 08:30
Invitation to the information day in Bratislava
SKHU Go&Szi - Closing conference and handover ceremony - 2023/05/31 10:00
Invitation to the information day in Budapest
Practical workshop (“grape”) - 2023/05/30 08:30
Press conference - 2023/05/28 15:00
Pilgrimage to the chapel of Nemeshegy - 2023/05/27 10:00
Ecotourism training (4) - 2023/05/12 15:00
May Day - Family event - 2023/05/07 13:30
Ecotourism training (3) - 2023/05/03 15:00
IG Heritage - Handover ceremony (CCP, CB_BRAND, Delivery, CB_Sales)–Esztergom - 2023/04/29 10:30
Ecotourism training (2) - 2023/04/26 15:00
Knowledge Transfer for Young People - Making rooster stew - 2023/04/22 09:00
Handover ceremony - social kitchen in Bernecebaráti - 2023/04/20 17:00
Knowledge Transfer for Young People - Preparing bunt cake, pie and scones - 2023/04/15 10:00
Ecotourism training (1) - 2023/04/14 15:00
Handover ceremony - laundry buliding in Kemence
Knowledge Transfer for Young People - Meringue cake making - 2023/03/30 10:00
Knowledge Transfer for Young People - Strudel baking - 2023/03/18 14:00
Welcoming of the Cranes 2023 - 2023/03/18 09:00
Opening press conference - 2023/03/14 10:00
Baking Biracs - Knowledge Transfer for Young People - 2023/03/04 09:00
Preparing Lent cabbage and sourdough bread - 2023/02/25 10:00
Carnival folk traditions - Burning a carnival puppet, making pork - 2023/02/17 10:00
Knowledge Transfer for Young People - Traditional pig slaughter - 2023/02/04 07:00
Practical workshop (“Meat”) - 2023/01/20 08:30
Sacher cake making and gastronomic demonstration - 2023/01/13 09:00
Robotic-assisted rehabilitation conference - 2022/12/14 11:00
Final Conference of the project WORKFORCE PIPELINE - 2022/12/13 10:30
Press conference - 2022/12/12 10:00
Preparing for Christmas - 2022/12/10 14:00
Our legacy, or what we leave behind - 2022/12/09 10:00
FinLitTales – Closing event - 2022/12/06 09:15
Invitation - 2022/11/30 11:00
INDUSTRY 4.0 WORKSHOP - 2022/11/24
What to do with our losses? - 2022/11/18 10:00
Faith, religion and superstitions - 2022/11/11 10:00
Workshop - 2022/11/04 17:00
Project day INTERREG - 2022/10/29 11:30
Workshop - 2022/10/28 15:00
Hemp house building workshop in Salka - 2022/10/28 10:00
Workshop - Joining the Ister-Granum local product mark - 2022/10/26 14:00
Handover ceremony - social care institution of Salka - 2022/10/26 10:00
Workshop - Joining the Ister-Granum local product mark - 2022/10/26 09:00
What to do with our losses? - 2022/10/21 17:00
Gábor Zacher, M.D.: Our everyday addictions - event - 2022/10/21 17:00
Workshop - 2022/10/21 15:00
Workshop - 2022/10/14 15:00
Practical workshop (“pasta manufacturing”) - 2022/10/13
Workshop - Role of local products in rural development and trends - 2022/10/07 17:00
Praktický workshop („vinárstvo“ – olej z hroznových jadierok) - 2022/10/07
Hernád Day - 2022/10/01
Closing meeting of the project „Bioeconomy“ - 2022/09/28 11:00
Hernád Day - 2022/09/24
Meeting of Generations in Zselíz - a full-day cultural and sporting event - 2022/09/17 09:00
Hernád Day - 2022/09/17
Vintage parade and vintage ball in Ipolyszakállos - 2022/09/10 12:30
Hernád Day - 2022/09/10 10:00
Opening ceremony of Kerta park - 2022/08/26 14:00
Handover ceremony _ Wine_LAB – Mužla - 2022/08/25 10:00
Ceremonial handover of the park - 2022/08/25 10:00
Foundation stone laying event of Country House (Tájház) in Salka - 2022/08/10 10:00
Flute-making and basket-weaving presentation - 2022/08/09 09:00
Handover ceremony – Svodín - 2022/08/05 10:00
Closing event - 2022/07/21 15:00
"How not to despair" workshop - 2022/07/15 10:00
Thematic bus excursion - 2022/07/09 08:00
Press conference within the workshop - 2022/07/08 10:00
Final Conference of the project AUTOTECH INFRA - 2022/06/30 09:30
Handover ceremony – Bajót – Reconstruction and expansion of the market place - 2022/06/27 13:00
Handover ceremony – Nagymaros – Modernisation of the community centre - 2022/06/27 10:00
2nd Virtual Job Fair - 2022/06/27 09:00
TWO-ONE project closing conference - 2022/06/25 09:30
"How to keep our zest for life" workshop - 2022/06/24 10:00
Handover ceremony in Kosice - FUTURE IN HEMP TAPE - 2022/06/15 14:00
Agro EXPO - 2022/06/11 09:00
Expert conference - 2022/06/10 08:30
Closing conference of the InProTool project connected with press conference - 2022/06/09 09:30
Opening ceremony of the Active Aging centre - 2022/06/06 10:00
Folk tale’s wisdom for raising financial awareness - 2022/06/01 10:30
Press conference - 2022/05/31 10:00
Professional Workshop and Press Conference - 2022/05/30 09:30
Opening ceremony of the cabbage pickling plant - 2022/05/27 09:00
Kn-Kn ImproTrans - closing event and press conference - 2022/05/25 11:00
Opening ceremony of the St. Stephan house and Gagyvendégi curia - 2022/05/17 13:00
Cross-border Workshop and Press Conference - 2022/05/12 10:00
Opening ceremony of the fruit juice and roasted seeds processing factory - 2022/05/10 13:00
The grand opening of the GES gelato & pastry patisserie - 2022/05/06 15:00
1st Virtual Job Fair - 2022/05/06 09:00
Opening ceremony of the pumpkin oil pressing factory - 2022/05/04 15:00
RE-HABILITATION project closing event - 2022/04/26 10:00
Interreg Cross-border Job Fair - 2022/03/23 09:00
"How to measure the circularity of a company?" - 2022/03/22 09:00
Welcoming of cranes - 2022/03/19 08:00
ÍZ-tár Granum – Presentation of the Ister-Granum local product trademark - 2022/02/24 13:00
Final conference - 2022/02/24 10:00
ÍZ-tár Granum – Presentation of the Ister-Granum local product trademark - 2022/02/23 10:00
Becoming a smart village and related financial sources - pilot course - 2022/01/28 09:00
Startup+SKHU: International closing event - 2022/01/27 11:00
Becoming a smart village and related financial sources - pilot course - 2022/01/27 09:00
Small project implementation training - 2022/01/26
Foundation stone laying ceremony in Gombasek - 2022/01/13 11:00
Closing conference of TP-LAB project - 2021/12/09 10:00
Local Bloom excursion series for young students is to be continued - 2021/12/09
Szilvásvárad - foundation stone laying ceremony - 2021/12/08 10:00
International conference - 150 years of the Slovak Central Observatory - 2021/11/24 13:00
Presentation of VR – Job fair - 2021/11/11 14:00
Info day - 2021/11/09
RE-BOOT project closing event - 2021/10/21 10:00
Local Bloom Study Tours - 2021/10/14
KOMFORT - Press conference - 2021/10/12 10:00 - 2
4th Smart Communities Academy - the press conference - 2021/10/07 12:00
4rd SMART COMMUNITIES ACADEMY - 2021/10/07 12:00
Smart Working Group meeting in Kosice - 2021/10/07
RISKHUB 3rd Planning & Periodic meeting - 2021/09/25 09:45
Mobile ICT Centre - Training for elderly people - 2021/09/25
ESD Duna/Dunaj project launch press conference - 2021/09/24 09:30
Study tour for young students - 2021/09/17
Laying the foundation-stone - 2021/09/15
Functional foods, healthy eating: Support the immune system during COVID-19 - 2021/09/14 09:00
Agro festival in Buzica - 2021/09/11 10:00
Agro festival in Gagyvendégi - 2021/09/04 10:00
Opening ceremony of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Oroszlany (HU) - 2021/09/03 10:30
Agro festival in Moldava nad Bodvou - 2021/08/28 08:00
Closing event - 2021/08/20 13:00
Open Day - 2021/08/20 10:00
Project closing event - 2021/08/20 09:30
Press conference - 2021/08/20 09:00
Agro festival in Encs - 2021/08/14 09:00
Ipeľ-Ipoly Expo - 2021/08/13 09:30
"SKHU XP centres" project closing event - 2021/07/31 13:30
Project closing event - 2021/07/31 11:00
"SKHU XP centres" project information day - 2021/07/31 11:00
"FEBO" project closing event - 2021/07/26 11:30
Agro festival in Hidasnémeti - 2021/07/24 09:00
"CastleExpo" project closing event accompanied by a press conference - 2021/07/20 11:30
Press conference - 2021/07/15 10:00
Opening ceremony of the Gagyvendégi marketplace - 2021/07/09 10:00
"Moldava" marketplace opening ceremony in Encs - 2021/07/08 09:30
InnoCult Closing Conference - 2021/07/02
Opening ceremony of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Komárno (SK) - 2021/06/29 10:00
Innovations and modern processes for farm food production - 2021/06/29 09:00
Workshop on the presentation of ancient holidays - 2021/06/29
Gastronomy in antiquity-workshop - 2021/06/24
Reconstruction of the Azaum Roman Camp project closing event - 2021/06/24
The Opening ceremony of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Kolárovo - 2021/06/23 11:00
Opening Conference Cserehat Brand - 2021/06/23 10:00
Closing conference - 2021/06/23
Workshop introduction of traditionalists - 2021/06/19
Local Development Hackathon - Hungary - 2021/06/16 09:00
Workshop tourism presentation of the project - 2021/06/16
Press conference in the framework of project called Kn-Kn ImproTrans - 2021/06/15 13:00
CoME-in – project opening ceremony - 2021/06/09 10:00
INTERSKILL 2021 - Opening conference - 2021/06/08 14:30
Local Development Hackathon - Slovakia - 2021/06/08
The Opening ceremony of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Nové Zámky - 2021/06/04 10:30
Opening conference of the SKHU Go&Szi project - 2021/06/03 11:00
Information day with the opening of HU XP Centre - 2021/05/29
Opening ceremony of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Kisbér (HU) - 2021/05/28 09:00
RSKHUB 2nd Planning meeting - 2021/05/25 11:00
Irrigation farming for product safety. - 2021/05/19 09:00
Experts’ conference - 2021/05/15
Laying the foundation stone of the cabbage pickling plant in Hidasnémeti - 2021/05/14 11:00
Small project implementation training - 2021/05/04
Small project implementation training - 2021/04/29
Final event of the project SacraVelo - 2021/04/27 09:00
Innovations in the processing of plant raw-material sources - 2021/04/27 09:00
"Encs" marketplace opening ceremony in Moldava nad Bodvou - 2021/04/24 09:00
Career information day - 2021/04/22 11:00
STARS CONNECT US project press conference - 2021/04/22 10:00
Quality Assessment (NPPC). Nutrient supply during plant cultivation (SZE) - 2021/03/30 09:00
Press conference – SKHU/1902/1.1/021 - 2021/03/23 11:00
Kick-off Circular Slovakia I Virtual meeting of platform members - 2021/03/18 15:00
Opening conference of the Find Your Way project - 2021/03/12 13:00
Closing conference of the Through renovation to the education project - 2021/03/12 10:00
Introduction of the project Bird Tour - 2021/02/25 10:00
“4th On-line Thematic Workshop” - 2021/02/25 08:45
“3rd On-line Thematic Workshop” - 2021/02/23 08:45
“2nd On-line Thematic Workshop” - 2021/02/18 08:45
“1st on-line thematic workshop” - 2021/02/16 08:45
Modern instrumental tests for determining the quality parameters of products. - 2021/01/28 09:00
Opening conference of TP-LAB project - 2021/01/28 09:00
Workshop in the footsteps of Romans - 2020/12/17
Workshop zameraný na lokálnu spoluprácu v Podunajskom regióne - 2020/12/15
Workshop: Cooperation of EGTC in the Danube area - 2020/12/10
Workshop related to cooperation in the sphere of local production in the Danu - 2020/12/08
Workshop related to local infrastructure development in the Danube area - 2020/12/07
CBC Tours Online Project Closing Event - 2020/11/26 13:00
“Innovation in Food Industry” - 2020/11/26 10:00
Closing conference - 2020/11/26 10:00
Natural and artificial clay minerals (zeolites) and their structure - 2020/11/10 10:00
Workshop - 2020/11/04 14:00
Material and energy balances in industrial practice - 2020/10/27 09:00
PRESS CONFERENCE - 2020/10/08 11:00
PRESS CONFERENCE - 2020/10/01 10:00
Press conference - 2020/09/24 14:00
Press conference - 2020/09/24 10:00
Press conference - 2020/09/08 08:30
Press conference - 2020/09/07 08:30
PRESS CONFERENCE - 2020/08/28 13:00
Press conference of the project Medical/wellness tourism development - 2020/08/28
Ceremonial opening of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Komárom (HU) - 2020/06/26 10:00
Presentation ceremony of the reconstructed historic park of the Castle of I. - 2020/06/25 11:00
FEBO project press conference - 2020/03/03 10:00
SKHU XP centres project press conference - 2020/02/28 10:00
Closing conference and press conference - 2020/02/28 08:30
4th Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee meeting - 2020/02/18 11:00
Mária Valéria Bike PRESS CONFERENCE - 2020/01/31 - 2020/01/31 10:00
Small Project Fund - Info day in Salgótarján - eastern programming area - 2020/01/31 09:30
Small Project Fund - Info day in Lučenec - eastern programming area - 2020/01/30 11:00
Press conference - 2020/01/29 11:00
Press conference - 2020/01/28 11:00
Small Project Fund - Info day in Moldava nad Bodvo - eastern programming area - 2020/01/28 10:30
Press conference - 2020/01/24
Small Project Fund - Info day in Nyíregyháza - eastern programming area - 2020/01/21 10:30
Information Day - 2020/01/18 13:00
Information Day - 2020/01/18 10:00
Press conference - 2020/01/17 12:00
Press conference and Closing event - 2019/12/17
Press conference - 2019/12/11
Closing conference - 2019/11/29 09:00
Opening conference - Cross-border Action plan of the Cserehát microregion - 2019/11/27 11:00
Sweet flavors in the Reception building of Mándok - 2019/11/13 15:00
Ceremonial opening of the Traditional house and press conference - 2019/11/08
Press conference - 2019/10/30 11:00
Press conference at Hrhov ponds - 2019/10/30 09:00
Public project closing event - 2019/10/29 10:00
Floodresc project closing conference - 2019/10/28 10:00
Press conference - 2019/10/25 10:00
Closing conference included with a press conference and water season closure - 2019/10/25 10:00
Let´s do business in Hungary - 2019/10/25 08:00
Info day in Rimavská Sobota - SKHU/1902
Closing Conference of the Interreg Cord Project - 2019/10/21 14:30
Slovak-Hungarian Business to Business Meeting- CORD project - 2019/10/21 14:30
Info day in Budapest - SKHU/1902
The History of the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút - Conference - 2019/10/17 10:00
: Doing business abroad - inspiration, tips, and tricks - 2019/10/17 09:00
Study Tour - 2019/10/17
Press conference - 2019/10/16 11:30
Info day in Salgótarján - SKHU/1902
Press conference - 2019/10/16 10:00
Info day in Dunajská Streda - SKHU/1902
‘Innovative business development services for women entrepreneurs’ workshop - 2019/10/10 13:30
Info day in Győr- SKHU/1902
Info day in Košice - SKHU/1902
INFORMATION DAY - 2019/10/08 15:00
Info day in Miskolc - SKHU/1902
Final project conference with the presence of the media - 2019/10/08 11:00
‘Growing…But how?’ (Old problems in a new perspective) workshop - 2019/10/08 08:30
Information Day - 2019/10/04 13:00
Animal Love Festival & Closing Event of ZOO4NAT Project - 2019/10/03 11:00
Problems in your business? - Set up processes and find the right colleagues! - 2019/10/02 16:00
Problems in your business? - Set up processes and find the right colleagues! - 2019/10/01 17:00
International Forum of Woman Entrepreneurs – Foreign Market opportunities - 2019/10/01 09:00
Ceremonial handover of theme playground in Šaľa - 2019/09/30 10:30
CBC Tours project press conference - 2019/09/27 09:00
Opening ceremony of exterior exposition for reptiles and amphibian - 2019/09/14
INFORMATION DAY - 2019/09/13 14:00
Information Day - 2019/09/13 10:00
Beekeeping products day - 2019/09/08 10:00
European Cooperation Day in Bratislava-Vrakuňa
5th workshop CULTPLAY - 2019/09/06 11:00
Water Family Day in Szob - 2019/08/31 09:00
Project closing event in Balassagyarmat - 2019/08/30 15:00
Invitation project for the closing event - 2019/08/30 10:30
Invitation-press conference - 2019/08/30 10:00
Invitation-Press Conference - 2019/08/29 15:00
Eurokulcs Roadshow - 2019/08/28 10:00
Esterházy Wedding - 2019/08/24
Water Family Day in Balassagyarmat - 2019/08/19 08:00
Pagony Project – St. Stephen Days - 2019/08/16 11:00
Water Family Day in Litke - 2019/08/11
Water family day on Robinson Islands and 2. Robinson Cross-country running - 2019/08/10
Public project event – Bez hraníc a bariér - 2019/08/08
Water Family Day in Ipolytölgyes - 2019/08/03
Press conference - 2019/08/01
Press Event - 2019/07/29 10:00
Press conference - 2019/07/29
Project Closing Ceremony - 2019/07/26
Press conference - 2019/07/13
Opening conference and press conference - Delivering Water Experience on the Bodrog and its Genesis - 2019/06/28
Remote sensing methodologies for agro-ecological analyses using UAV techniques and terrestrial laser scanning techniques / professional seminar
Press conference - 2019/06/27
Public project event - Open Door Day - 2019/06/27
See Think Do Care - Digital marketing for export abroad - 2019/06/20
Closing event - 2019/06/17
Beekeeping day - 2019/06/15
Closing event of the Borderless financial and economic education project - 2019/06/13
Lead beneficiary seminar for SKHU/1801
Let’s do business in Hungary - 2019/06/12
Let’s do business in Hungary - 2019/06/11
Pagony Project - 2019/06/08
Eco-voluta : Treasure hunting on the Moson Danube - 2019/06/08
GREEN WEEK - 2019/06/08
International Funds in Slovakia - Košice
Innovative enterprises of rural women” – International Conference - 2019/06/07
SMARTER-Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research in Kisvárdai Bessenyei György Gimnázium és Kollégium and Gymnázium-Gimnázium Kráľovský Chlmec - Final SMARTER Conference - 2019/06/06
Children’s Day and ceremonial opening of the Danube Panorama Trail, closing press conference - 2019/06/01
Family Day - 2019/05/31
Closing conference - 2019/05/29
ZOO4NAT Wildlife Rescue Conference - 2019/05/27
Project implementation training - 2019/05/23
Child Hubert - 2019/05/21
The official opening ceremony of the Water Mill in Jelka and the Open-air museum at the Water Mill in Jelka - 2019/05/18
GREEN WEEK - Water powered wheels - Treasure hunt following the footsteps of water mills on Rye Island - 2019/05/18
Press conference - 2019-05-16
Learning with games - 2019/05/16
Builcogreen closing conference - 2019/05/15
Small Project Fund - Info day in Veľké Kapušany - eastern programming area - 2019/05/14
Small Project Fund - Info day in Banská Bystrica - eastern programming area - 2019/05/13
Ceremonial opening of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Hurbanovo - 2019/05/10
Children the forester´s friends - 2019/05/10
Small Project Fund - Info day in Miskolc - eastern programming area - 2019/05/07
Small Project Fund - Info day in Eger - eastern programming area - 2019/05/07
V. final Road show - 2019/04/31
Small Project Fund - Info day in Nyíregyháza - eastern programming area - 2019/04/30
Folkart conference - 2019/04/30
Press conference - 2019/04/30
Small Project Fund - Info day in Salgótarján - eastern programming area - 2019/04/29
LingLand Press Conference - 2019/04/29
Borderless financial and economic education at Komárňanské dni - 2019/04/26
Borderless financial and economic education at the Helló Nyíregyháza! event - 2019/04/26
Earth Festival - 2019/04/26
Eurokey Road Show - 2019/04/26
Conference and press conference - 2019/04/25
Closing press conference - 2019/04/25
Closing conference - 2019/04/25
International Funds in Slovakia - Bratislava
Info day - 2019/04/15
Info day - 2019/04/12
PUBLIC PROJECT CLOSING EVENT of the project Smart communities - 2019/04/12
Info day - 2019/04/11
Press conference - 2019/04/10
Info day - 2019/04/09
Info day - 2019/04/08
Info day - 2019/04/05
International Funds in Slovakia
Seminar for the small project Lead Beneficiaries - 2019/04/04
Lean Startup Management Workshop - 2019/04/04
IV. Startup Budapest Forum - 2019/04/04
Press conference - 2019/03/30
The conference is dedicated to the project ’From the Tatras to Tisza’
TALENTED LIFE project - Closing conference - 2019/03/22
Doing Business in the US, HU - 2019/03/22
Basics of Google Analytics - 2019/03/20
Business planning training - 2019/03/20
Motivation & career day (MaCD_SVK_5) - 2019/03/13
Workshop - 2019/03/13
Builcogreen 4th workshop Green Area Maintenance Special Promises ─ Special Solutions - 2019/03/04
Family day - 2019/03/01
Volunteering is sexy- HelloMentor Conference - 2019/02/28
Global Business Communication skills workshop - 2019/02/28
Complex Instruction workshop: One year`s experiences in Feszty Árpád Elementary School and Kindergarten - 2019/02/21
9th Be Smart startup competition - 2019/02/05
Press conference - 2019/01/30
Press conference and closing ceremony - 2019/01/26
FORBEST - Project closing conference - 2019/01/24
Helmeczy Mihály Hungarian language and drawing competition - 2019/01/18
Closing seminar - 2019/01/18
KIPróbálom - Workshop - 2019/01/17
Closing conference of the InnoService project - 2019/01/15
Press conferecne of project Rowing in One River - 2019/01/11
Closing conference of the project “Struggle of Addicts on Drugs” - 2018/12/20
FORBEST - Project closing conference - 2018/12/19
HERBALAND Project closing event - 2018/12/14 - 2
The power of faith in recovery - 2018/12/12
Motivation and career days (kindergarten events) - 2018/12/11
Workshop in Mosonmagyaróvár
Workshop in Komárom
Motivation and career days (kindergarten events) - 2018/12/10
Workshop - 2018/12/10
2 nd Meeting of the Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee - 2018/12/10
Using ICT tools and applications in course of teaching with CIP method - 2018/12/07
Workshop - 2018/12/07
From Tatra to Tisza Road Show at the Meeting of National Minorities - 2018/12/05
B2B meeting of Hungarian – Slovak automotive companies and R&D providers - 2018/12/04
Gala Show Nyiregyháza - 2018/12/01
The Housing, Environment, Workplace – the 20th century industrial legacy, society and production of industrial towns - 2018/11/28
Workshop - The common history of our cross- border region - 2018/11/27
Closing press conference - 2018/11/27
Startup Night 2018 - 2018/11/27
Motivation and career days (kindergarten events) - 2018/11/26
Expert roundtable “Addiction from the doctor's point of view and the opportunities of cooperation with the helper professions” - 2018/11/20
LingLand and mentalmap conference - 2018/11/15
B2B meeting of Slovak and Hungarian companies and providers of R&D services with focus on metalworking industry - 2018/11/13
Closing Conference (Framents of nature) - 2018/11/07
B2B business forum for ICT research and development providers from the Slovak Republic and Hungary - 2018/10/25
The Buheras in Co-lease - 2018/10/25
“The role of the family in prevention” expert roundtable - 2018/10/24
Medicinal and herbal day in Pannonhalma-Nyúl - 2018/10/24
Motivation & career day (MaCD_SVK_4) - 2018/10/23
COMMON HERITAGE Conference - 2018/10/19
International marketing - 2018/10/10
Info day in Budapest - SKHU/1802
Medicinal and herbal day in Zánka - 2018/10/05
B2B meeting of Hungarian – Slovak machinery and machinery related IT companies and R&D proviers - 2018/10/04
Animal Love Festival - 2018/10/04
Info day - 2018/10/01
Opening ceremony of Eco-classroom and press conference in Szirmabesenyő - 2018/09/29
Opening event - 2018/09/29
Info day - 2018/09/28
Info day in Košice - SKHU/1802
Info day - 2018/09/26
Info day - 2018/09/25
"Residential drug therapy treatment of adolescents. Difficulties and successes" - 2018/09/24
Info day - 2018/09/24
Info day - 2018/09/21
Photo exhibition opening and awarding ceremony and press conference
9. Monitoring meeting in Győr
Press conference - 2018/09/20
Press conference - 2018/09/20
B2B meeting of Slovak and Hungarian companies and providers of R&D services - 2018/09/18
Info day in Balssagyarmat - SKHU/1802
3. LiTE Roadshow - 2018/09/08
Medicinal and herbal day in Varsány - 2018/09/07
Invitation to the first KOMBI conference - 2018/09/07 - 2018/09/07
Openining press conference - 2018/09/06
2. LiTE Roadshow - 2018/09/01
Night of the Zoos - saving wild animals - 2018/08/31
Family Day on Water in Šahy - 2018/08/25
Danube Festival - 2018/08/25
Searching for cultural heritage: Gastronomic and pastry-making culture from Galanta to Mándok - 2018/08/03
Gastronomic and pastry-making culture from Galanta to Mándok - 2018/08/03
Family Day on Water in Veľká Čalomija - 2018/07/28
Road Show from Tatras to Tisza in Pálháza - 2018/07/28
1st monitoring committee meeting of the Small project fund Western programming area - 2018/07/27
Medicinal and herbal day for everyone - 2018/07/21
Sport and Family Day on Water in Vyškovce nad Ipľom - 2018/07/14
Village Holiday and Family Day on Water in Bušince - 2018/07/14
Ten commandments of good blogging - training for startups - 2018/07/12
Press conference - 2018/07/11
"Remote Sensing Methodologies in Agriculture" Summer School - 2018/07/02
Family Day on Water in Ipeľské Predmostie - 2018/06/30
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day in Eger
From the Tatras to Tisza Roadshow - 2018/06/23
Hidasnémeti LiTE Roadshow - 2018/06/23
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day in Kosice - 2018/06/20
Interreg SKHU CBC EYES project training for startups - 2018/06/20
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day Miskolc
ArtPark - Family Day / Public event to raise awareness and attract new visitors in bordering regions - 2018/06/16
Eurokľúč Road Show - 2018/06/14
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day in Nyíregyháza
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day in Banská Bystrica
Small Project Fund - Eastern programming area - Info day in Salgótarján
Becoming a floral city – conceptual approach - 2018/06/06
Opening ceremony of the OK Center in Trnava - 2018/06/01
Study tour to Gyógynövény-völgy Zánka - 2018/06/01
ZOO4NAT – Opening Conference - 2018/05/28
Project opening event and press conference - 2018/05/26
School Open Day - 2018/05/25
Lead Beneficiary seminar in Nitra
Lead Beneficiary seminar in Miskolc
Lead Beneficiary seminar in Budapest
“Behavioural addictions” expert roundtable - 2018/05/21
Family Day - 2018/05/18
Press conference - 2018/05/18
Local and community development: Building Smart communities - 2018/05/17
CIP Workshop - 2018/05/17
1st Meeting of the Small Project Fund Monitoring Committee - 2018/05/15
Motivation Puppet Show - 2018/05/14
Day of Cultural Heritage - 2018/05/02
Info day in Trnava - SKHU/1801
Press conference - 2018/04/25
Press conference - 2018/04/25 - 2
Opening event with press conference - 2018/04/24
School Open Day - 2018/04/24
“Addiction and the family” expert roundtable - 2018/04/24
Info day in Balassagyarmat - SKHU/1801
Press conference - 2018/04/23
Opening press conference - 2018/04/20
“Silver economy” exhibition and fair - 2018/04/20
Press conference after beginning the project - 2018/04/19
"The Masters of Joy - Visualized Biopolitical Adventure in the Millennial Practice of regulation for Desires and Pleasures" - 2018/04/17
Slovak First Level Control Info day in Bratislava
Slovak First Level Control Info day in Banská Bystrica
Digital education in the Borderless financial and economic education project - 2018/04/12
Slovak First Level Control Info day in Košice
Motivation & career day (MaCD_SVK3) - 2018/04/09
Eurokey Road Show - 2018/04/07
Invitation to the first Builcogreen workshop - 2018/04/04
Award ceremony of Szigetköz Nature Park - 2018/03/28
First Level Control Info day in Sopron
The press conference of the first Cultural Action Group (CAG) meeting - 2018/03/21
First Level Control Info day in Budapest 2
First Level Control Info day in Nyíregyháza
First Level Control Info day in Budapest
Opening conference - 2018/03/09
Opening press conference - 2018/03/09
Press conference - 2018/03/08
An introductory information seminar on the project - 2018/03/08
Project RailGate opening press conference - 2018/03/07
Opening conference - 2018/02/28
Complex Instruction workshop: Everybody is good at something - 2018/02/27
“Insight into addiction” expert roundtable - 2018/02/26
Opening press conference - 2018/02/23
Motivation & career day (MaCD_SVK2) - 2018/02/12
Family Day - 2018/02/09
OPENING PRESS EVENT - 2018/02/08 - 2018/02/08
press conference - 2018/02/07
Opening conference (Fragments of nature) - 2018/01/30
Helmeczy Mihály Hungarian language and drawing competition - 2018/01/19
Opening Press Event - 2018/01/18
Groupwork slightly differently - Workshop - 2018/01/18
Press conference (Veľké Úľany) - 2017/12/21
“MONUMENTIS” press conference - 2017/12/19
InnoService Press conference - 2017/12/19 - 2
KIP on Learning - Press Conference - 2017/12/18
Connecting Heritages Development and cultural cooperation in Széphalom and Kráľovský Chlmec - 2017/12/14
11th Feszty Árpád International Knowledge Contest - 2017/12/13
Press conference - 2017/12/11
Project opening press conference - 2017/12/11
Project Launch Press Conference Invitation
Press conference - 2017/11/24
Opening press conference - 2017/11/24
Motivation & career day (MaCD_SVK1) - 2017/11/23
Press conference - 2017/11/23
press conference - 2017/11/23
DEA 1st Workshop – CIP method in teaching maths and ICT - 2017/11/22
Opening conference - 2017/11/08
Borderless financial and economic education - 2017/10/26
Prevention conference (Youth is “lunacy” - New dependencies of youth and opportunities of relatives ) - 2017/10/26
Round table - 2017/10/26
Project opening press conference - Herb industry network development within the Slovak-Hungarian border region - 2017/10/19
PA3 Info day in Győr in Hungarian
PA3 Info day in Banská Bystrica in Slovak
PA3 Info day in Košice in Slovak
PA3 Info day in Miskolc in Hungarian
PA3 Info day in Nitra in Slovak
PA3 Info day in Balassagyarmat in Hungarian
PA3 Info day in Budapest
Press conference of Struggle of Addicts on Drugs
Press conference
Roundtable discussion
European Cooperation Day
Invitation to the opening press conference
7th Monitoring Committee meeting
6th Monitoring Committee meeting
5th Monitoring Committee meeting
Info day in Balassagyarmat
Info day in Eger
Info day in Nyíregyháza
Info day in Miskolc
Info day in Košice
Info day in Tatabánya
Info day in Banská Bystrica
Info day in Győr
Info day in Štúrovo
Opening conference
Info day in Trnava
Info day in Bratislava
Info day in Šahy
Info Day in Budapest in Slovak
Info day in Budapest in Hungarian
2nd Monitoring Committee meeting
Closing Conference of the Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013
1st Monitoring Committee Meeting
Closing Joint Monitoring Committee meeting
Past events
News upload
New event
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