Building partnership!


Building partnership!

ORG EMP - Infrastructure development of cross-border labour mobility

  • AcronymACCO_EMP
  • Call IDSKHU/1802
  • Priority AxisPromoting employment
  • Specific objective3.1 Decreasing employment inequalities among the regions with a view to improving the level of employment within the programming region
  • Registration No.SKHU/1802/3.1/025
  • Total Project budget1,208,990.00 €
  • Total ERDF awarded1,027,641.50 €
  • Project start date01 November 2019
  • Project end date31 August 2023
  • Website
  • Project statusClosed

Due to the complementary settlement structure, the Middle Ipoly / Ipeľ valley has an untapped potential of higher cross-border integration. While several urban functions and services of Balassagyarmat are more and more used by Slovakian population of the region and similar phenomena can be detected also around Šahy, the economic ties are still weak. Ipoly Unió / Ipeľská Únia established in 1993 has developed social, cultural relationships and took remarkably efforts in order to rebuild the infrastructural ties across the river. At the same time, there is a need to better exploit the complementary geographic system of urban functions in economy.

The region itself suffers of depopulation and aging aggravated by relatively high (7-14%) unemployment rate. Still, the SMEs settled down in the region lack (skilled) labour force. Complementing those projects addressing the training needs of lower qualified workforce, the current project respond the challenges related to the cross-border mobility of more skilled labour force and the needs of stronger economic cohesion.

On the one hand, in Balassagyarmat, three new buildings will be built (by renovating an old secondary school) for 97 workers. The buildings will contain 35 flats with a total surface of 1243 m2, including storing premises, courtyard, parking places, building technology and furniture. Workers coming from Slovakia will be preferred when selecting the new residents of the workers’ hostel (by municipality decree).

On the other hand, Ipeľská Únia will extend its scope of activities targeting the reorganisation of the Middle Ipoly / Ipeľ valley area with activities boosting cross-border economic cooperation. Within the framework of the project, they will organise the first Ipoly / Ipeľ EXPO in Tešmák, at the premises of the NGO. Some 100 entrepreneurs and representatives of local authorities and professional organisations are expected to attend the event creating a tradition.

Related TAPE: Organic cross-border territorial development along the Ipoly/Ipeľ


ORG EMP - Infrastructure development of cross-border labour mobility


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Balassagyarmat Város Önkormányzata

2660 Balassagyarmat, Rákóczi u. 12.

1,003,544.00 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Ochranárske a kultúrne združenie Poiplia

Šahy, Tešmak 351 936 01

24,097.50 €

Locations of investment

Establishment of a workers’ hostel

Balassgyarmat, Bercsényi utca


Ipeľ-Ipoly Expo - 2021/08/13 09:30

The Environmental and Cultural Assocaition of the Ipeľ River Watershed - Ipeľ Union is organising a business forum entitled Ipeľ-Ipoly Expo on the 13th August 2021, in Šahy.

  • Location: Šahy
  • Project acronym: ACCO-EMP
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1802/3.1/025
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates: 48.07816, 19.01313
  • Event organized by: Ochranárske a kultúrne združenie Poiplia - Ipeľská únia
  • Contact person: Ida Wollent
  • Phone number: +421367410451
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: yes
  • SKHU/1802/3.1/025 (2)
