The objective of RE-BOOT is to launch an integrated cross-border social service network to support the elders and to increase employment in the Lower Ipel Valley, based on the endogenous potential workforce of inactive and early retired elderly people. This means, that on the one hand, a common network will support the most effective and high quality functioning of the social and eldercare. This will consist of the launching of cross border capacity coordination of social and eldercare institutions backed by bilingual database, remote health monitoring system for elderly and living lab as well as mobile health service. On the other hand, 59+ persons, who are permanently inactive or are early retired, but still able to work, will be targeted in the target area and be involved in a personal mentorship. The mentor programme will provide them the necessary skills to go back to the labour market, and the beneficiary or associated SME partners will employ them.
Related TAPE: RE-START: Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley