Building partnership!


Building partnership!

Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives

  • AcronymNat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
  • Call IDSKHU/1601
  • Priority AxisEnhancing cooperation of public authorities
  • Specific objective4.1 Improving the level of cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens.
  • Registration No.SKHU/1601/4.1/121
  • Total Project budget464,458.41 €
  • Total ERDF awarded394,791.17 €
  • Project start date01 July 2017
  • Project end date31 October 2019
  • Project statusClosed

Within the framework of the project, not only the founding documentation was prepared, but also the Szigetközi Nature Park was established. At the many events, they were able to gain a lot of experiences and expand their knowledge.

The development of the Szigetköz and Žitný ostrov (Szigetköz-Csallóköz) areas is due to similar reasons (the role of the Danube in shaping the landscape) and the proximity of protected areas justifies the coordination of nature conservation activities in the area. In order to enhance cooperation and institutionalize cross-border nature conservation relations, the former NAT-NET DUNA/DUNAJ project partners worked on the preparation of a joint nature park (national park in Slovakia) in the Szigetköz and Žitný ostrov areas. As part of this, the Foundation and Development Documentation of the Szigetköz Nature Park was prepared with the involvement of local stakeholders, and the Szigetköz Nature Park was established.

The purpose of the cross-border protected area (Nature Park in Hungary, National Park in Slovakia) is to coordinate cross-border initiatives for nature protection, environmental education and ecotourism along the Hungarian-Slovakian border.

Project activities included:

  • Preparation of the Feasibility Study and Management Plan for the joint cross-border nature park/national park based on the results of several workshops with the active involvement of local stakeholders (municipalities, NGOs and tourism entrepreneurs from the Szigetköz and Žitný ostrov regions). Preparation of a joint management plan.
  • Development of mobile interactive exhibitions and a mobile laboratory as well as their introduction in 6 environmental education centers and 30 schools on both sides of the border.
  • Promoting eco-mobility by developing the existing eco-mobile fleets of the project partners as well as organizing field programs based on these fleets.
  • Implementation of environmental education initiatives with the participation of students from Szigetköz and Žitný ostrov. To increase the level of cross-border cooperation, the partners implemented 174 cross-border events with the participation of nearly 2500 Hungarian and Slovak participants.
  • Enhancement of the geocaching route by developing 20 new geocaching points and creating an application with 15 geocaching tours.


Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives
Preparation Activities of the Szigetköz-Žitný Ostrov Nature Park and Further Joint Nature Protection Initiatives


Lead Beneficiary / ERDF awarded

Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság

9435 Sarród, Rév-Kócsagvár

110,111.38 €

Beneficiary 1 / ERDF awarded

Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Šamorín

93101 Šamorín Hlavná 37

73,739.20 €

Beneficiary 2 / ERDF awarded

Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky

97401 Banská Bystrica Tajovského 28/B

92,967.90 €

Beneficiary 3 / ERDF awarded

Pisztráng Kör Waldorf Természetvédő és Természetjáró Egyesület

3517 Miskolc, Losonczy u. 64.

74,397.78 €

Beneficiary 4 / ERDF awarded

Mosonmagyaróvár Város Önkormányzata

9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Fő utca 11.

43,574.91 €

Locations of investment



Public project closing event - 2019/10/29 10:00

Public project closing event of the project Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2

  • Location: FUTURA Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István Király út 142.
  • Project acronym: Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/4.1/121
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates:
  • Event organized by: Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság
  • Contact person: Endrődyné Király Nikolett
  • Phone number: +36 30 342 3782
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: yes
  • Registration is needed: yes
  • SKHU/1601/4.1/121 (3)

Award ceremony of Szigetköz Nature Park - 2018/03/28

Dr. Fazekas Sándor, minister of agriculture, awards the nature park title to the Association of Szigetköz Nature Park.

  • Location: Hotel Orchidea, 9233 Lipót Rákóczi u. 42-44.
  • Project acronym: Nat-Net Duna/Dunaj 2
  • Project registration number: SKHU/1601/4.1/121
  • Website:
  • GPS coordinates:
  • Event organized by: Szigetköz Natúrpark Egyesület
  • Contact person: Dr. Pető Péter
  • Phone number:
  • E-mail address:
  • Language of event: Hungarian
  • Interpretation: no
  • Registration is needed: no
  • SKHU/1601/4.1/121 (3)
