European Regional Development Fund
Active Ageing focuses on providing new perspectives about their life for elderly. It is of utmost importance, since due to different psychical or mental illnesses, elderly usually are afraid or simply cannot join to social life programmes if there is any - in the target area there is an important lack of recreational & community building opportunities. In order to overcome these deficiencies, RE-BIRTH is based on 4 legs:
1) provides mental care for pensioners to help & encourage them in reintegration,
2) gives great alternatives to elderly to feel themselves important & leisure their time usefully through volunteering & intergenerational learning,
3) offers trainings for elderly: developing IT skills, training for guidance or producing craft products, helping to overcome generational gaps through learning about Y & Z generations.
4) Finally, since during social life activities it is easy to get to know each other, the project provides different community building activities.
Main target groups are seniors in the Lower Ipel Valley, however, various activities will encourage the involvement of local and regional inhabitants from other age groups, i.e. pupils and students, parents, etc.
RE-BIRTH will mobilize the Lower Ipel Valley, raise awareness of the target groups and prepares the ground for further developments and investments carried out by other projects.
Related TAPE: RE-START: Creating Needs Based Employment in the Lower Ipel Valley
Základná organizácia Maďarského spoločenského a kultúrneho zväzu na Slovensku – Csemadok Želiezovce
93701 Želiezovce, Schubert 26
35,700.00 €
Bernecebaráti Turisztikai és Kulturális Egyesület
2639 Bernecebaráti, Madách út 26.
16,728.00 €
Dunakanyar Ipoly Börzsöny Területfejlesztési Nonprofit Kft.
2631 Ipolydamásd, Fő út 16.
24,251.01 €