European Regional Development Fund
The joint program of the OTP Fáy András Foundation and the OTP Ready Foundation has started
The Hungarian OTP Fáy András Foundation and the OTP Ready Foundation from Slovakia held an opening event of their joint two-year program at the Selye János University in Komárno on October 26, 2017, supported by the Regional Development Fund and the European Union under the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Program.
Partners of the project titled “Enhacement of the ancient cultural cross border heritage profile of historical Nógrád” are Fiľakovo Town and Municipality of Šiatorská Bukovinka from the Slovak side, the hungarian partners are Town of Bátonyterenye and the Bükk National Park Directorate.
The opening event of the project “Borderless financial and economic education” was held on 26 October 2017 in Komárno.
For #ECDay2017 the Interreg V-A SKHU programme has announced the start of its first approved projects. Four projects have been selected to represent the programme on the occasion of European Cooperation Day. The common characteristic of the chosen projects was that they all serve public interest in their own special way.
Herb industry network development within the Slovak-hungarian border region
The Interreg SKHU programme is organizing information days related to the Call for proposals for Territorial Action Plans in Slovakia and Hungary during October 2017.
Interreg SKHU projects serving public interest
The report is intended to give a brief overview of the activities that were undertaken in the frame of the implementation process, focusing on the year 2016.
The Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office acting as the Managing Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic acting as the National Authority are announcing the Call for proposals in the frame of the third priority axis – Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility - of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.
Before the signature of the national co-financing contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR, the beneficiaries from Slovakia have an obligation to register in the register of public sector partners.
The 7th Monitoring Committee (MC) meeting was held on 17th July 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
The 6th Monitoring Committee of the programme was held on 27 June 2017 in Košice.
On behalf of the Programme the Joint Secretariat is collecting the possible project proposals within Priority axis 2, which covers the theme of enhancing cross-border mobility.
Whatever decision may have been made in case of your project proposal you as an applicant have certain rights and obligations. Let us present it to you.
The 5th Monitoring Committee (MC) meeting was held on 4th April 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.
Europe Day, held on 9 May every year, celebrates peace and unity in Europe.
The 4th Monitoring Committee (MC) meeting was held on 29th November 2016 in Senec, Slovak Republic.
Deadline for submission: 6th January 2017
The Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme has launched its first call for proposals (CfP) on 29th July 2016.
From 19th December 2016 the Joint Secretariat is located in new offices.