European Regional Development Fund
We were holding a press conference in Esztergom on the 1st of August 2019 with the mayors of Esztergom and Štúrovo. The contract was signed for the development of the project Mária Valéria Bike.
The Joint Secretariat is looking for a new colleague in the team.
Do you do business in Slovakia or are you going to do a business, but you don’t not like the excessive bureaucracy or high business tax in Slovakia? What about to start a business in the neighboring country – e.g. in Hungary.
“Innovative enterprises of exemplary rural women” – International Conference
In the framework of the CORD project supported by the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, an international conference was organised by the Union of Hungarian Women Association at the Ministry of Agriculture in Budapest on 7th June 2019. At the event the CORD project partners presented their unique entrepreneurial Ambassador Scheme and the 6 nominated Ambassadors (3 Slovaks and 3 Hungarians). The Ambassadors will have the mission to promote entrepreneurial activity and business opportunities in the Slovak-Hungarian border region.
Beekeeping Day and XVIII. Sthil National Timber Competition Imperial Regional Semifinal - June 15, 2019 The beekeeping day was held in the INTERREG V- A SK-HU FORESTERS AND BEES SKHU / 1601 / 1.1 / 002 tender. Nearly 100 children participated in various programs under the Beekeeping Day. There were various players, drawings, educational programs, skydiving, basketball, traffic safety demonstrations, machine demonstrations at the disposal of the children, but they also actively participated in the program points.
SMARTER - Synergy of Modern Approaches and Real-life Technologies in Education and Research
In a project closure conference held on 6 June, 2019. the Kisvárdai Tankerületi Központ Bessenyei György Gimnázium és Kollégiuma and Gymnázium-Gimnázium Kráľovský Chlmec as beneficiaries reported their results and achievements of SMARTER project which was implemented under Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.
2018 is the year of First Phase evaluation of the cooperation programmes.
Children’s Day and Official Opening of the Danube Panorama Trail
We can walk at a new and interactive nature trail in Gönyű, at the Danube bank. Looking at the beautiful panorama and the by qr code available tale, films and application, and playing at the ship playground we will decide to come back here again and again. Many families were curious about the opening 1. June.
Budapest Enterprise Agency organized Lean Startup Management Workshop and the IV. Startup Budapest Forum.
On 18th of May 2019, the reconstructed Water Mill in Jelka and the revitalized Open-Air Museum at the Water Mill in Jelka realized as part of the Danube Bike&Boat project was officially open for the public.
Ceremonial opening of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Hurbanovo
On 10th May 2019 was held the ceremonial opening of the Cultplay interactive thematic park in Hurbanovo, which demonstrates the Mining Museum of Oroszlány, as well as the competition for children within the framework of the project named “CULTPLAY - Interactive Thematic Parks - Innovative Use of Cultural Heritage” (SKHU/1601/1.1/209).
The decision making body of the programme, the Monitoring Committee had a meeting in Dudince on 16-17 April 2019.
As part of the one-day project activity, children from Slovakia and Hungary could become acquainted with the life in the forest and the work of foresters. Forest pedagogues from Levice brought them the forest and informed their prepared forest schools of the realized cross-border project. Through various entertaining activities and competitions, they could test their knowledge about fauna and flora.
The Beneficiary’s package was updated as of 13 May 2019. Please always use the latest version of the available documents.
Borderless financial and economic education at Komárňanské dni
From 26th to 28th April 2019 OTP READY Foundation has created a place of entertainment and learning on Komárno Days at General Klapka Square.
The 2nd Monitoring Committee of the Small Project Fund was held on 1st February 2019 in Budapest.
HEPA Hungarian Export Promotion Agency in Budapest, Partner of the Interreg HUSK EYES project organized an interactive training focusing on global business communication skills on the 28th of February 2019.
B2B meeting of Hungarian – Slovak automotive companies and R&D providers
The event was organized with the participation of Slovak and Hungarian companies and R&D infrastructure and innovation service providers operating in the automotive industry. The aim of the meeting was to develop cooperation between companies and knowledge providers and companies.
The Budapest Enterprise Agency (BEA) consortium leader organized the 9th Be Smart competition under the aegis of which one part was dedicated to the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme’s EYES project. The awarded startups of the competition won the opportunity to exhibit at the Budapest Startup Forum and participate in the competition at the international think.BDPST Start-up Expo on the 4th-5th April, 2019.
Co-operation in the field of teleradiology between cross-border hospitals
On the 30th of January 2019 was held a final press conference in Kráľovský Chlmec for a cross-border project called Creating the possibility of E-Radiology Cooperation between hospitals in Miskolc and Kráľovský Chlmec.