European Regional Development Fund
The European Commission approved the new Interreg Programme between Hungary and Slovakia for the 2021-2027 period.
On behalf of the National Authority (NA) of the Interreg V-A SKHU Programme let me inform you that the seat (and postal address) of the National Authority and the First Level Control is going to change soon.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary as Managing Authority (MA) and the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic Section of Cross-border Cooperation Programmes (NA) scheduled the so-called Second Phase evaluation of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme (2014-2020) for 2022.
The 2nd Klíma EXPO in Győr ended with great interest. in which event our organization also participated as a co-organizer. On the first day of the event, the Arrabona EGTC also prepared a colorful program for the participants, which was covered by the ECO-TOUR-COOP project with the identification number SKHU/WETA/2201/4.1/010. In the framework of the project, among others, 150 Slovak schoolchildren were able to participate in the event.
Exchange of experiences between the Slovakia-Hungary and Poland-Slovakia Interreg programmes
The Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Slovakia-Hungary Programme hosted the colleagues of the Interreg Poland-Slovakia Programme for an exchange of experiences.
Publication of Calls for expressions of interest by DG REGIO
The European Commission has published a call for expression of interest to participate in pilot projects on cross-border governance.
A handover ceremony was held in Košice to inaugurate the first investment of The Future in Hemp regional action plan under the Interreg Slovakia-Hungary programme.
Closing conference of the InProTool project connected with the press conference
The final event of the #InProTool project was held on 9th June 2022 in Zvolen, Slovakia to to introduce the outcomes of the project, especially the Slovak-Hungarian online application focused on pre-assessment of industrial property.
The OTP Fáy András Foundation and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra have launched their self-developed free digital and interactive financial education tales project which aims to improve the financial literacy of primary and secondary school students through storytelling and drama education.
Via Carpatia as well as Rába-Duna-Vág EGTC opened new call for proposals within Priority axis 4 (Institutional cooperation).
On May 4, 2022, we ceremoniously handed over the first factory built within the Cserehát action plan. The pumpkin oil factory in Buzica starts its production.
The Managing Authority submitted the draft of the new Interreg Programme between Hungary and Slovakia to the European Commission on 30/03/2022.
The 16-month CircularRegions cross-border project was closed on 22 March. During the successful collaboration, the project team developed a service for SMEs to measure performance and made the related training materials available to all companies and experts in the region. Furthermore, Vojtech Vosecky from Circle Economy gave an insight on the importance of the circular economy's contribution to climate change.
The Joint Secretariat (JS) of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme, operating within Széchenyi Programme Office Nonprofit LLC. is recruiting Programme Managers in its Budapest Office in Hungary.
On 13.01.2022, within the project SKHU/1902/1.1/033 Cross-border cooperation to revive forgotten partnership in Gombasek and Szilvásvárad, a ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place.
Strategic Environmental Assessment related to the new Interreg Programme (IP).
International Conference 150 years of the Astronomical Observatory in Hurbanovo
The TIT Komárom-Esztergom County Association and the Slovak Central Observatory organized an International Conference 150 years of the Astronomical Observatory in Hurbanovo, which was held in the Slovak Central Observatory (SCO) in Hurbanovo from 24 to 26 November 2021.
After the approval of the documents by the Programming Committee of the future Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Cooperation Programme for the period 2021-2027 we are hereby publishing the draft Interreg Programme (the fundamental document of the next programming period).
Strategic Environmental Assessment related to the new Interreg Programme (IP). / Stratégiai Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat az új Interreg Programhoz kapcsolódóan
Strategic Environtmental Assessment related to the new Interreg Programme in Slovakia
The draft Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Cooperation Program for the period 2021-2027 is ready.