European Regional Development Fund
Notification of a change at the Slovak National Authority of the Interreg V-A SK-HU Cooperation Programme
The Beneficiary’s package was updated as of 8 September 2020. Please always use the latest version of the available documents.
The modification does not affect the implementation of the projects but provides budgetary help for the member states to cope with the consequences of the COVID-19.
Monitoring Committee (further as MC) of the Interreg SKHU held its next meeting on the 13 July 2020. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held online for the first time.
The Monitoring Committee of the Programme held an online meeting on 13 July 2020. The members made a decision about the list of projects to be approved, that were submitted in the SKHU/1902 Call for proposals.
The list of approved small projects within 3rd round of the Call SKHU/ETA/1901
20 July 2020 – Monitoring Committee for Small Project Fund approved projects submitted within the 3rd round of the call SKHU/ETA/1901.
In the frame of the SKHU/1601/1.1/060 MONUMENTIS project the tower of the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation of Virgin Mary in Bratislava was renovated, and a permanent exhibition opened in the temple treasury.
Foresters successfully finished the Establishing a Unique Forest School Project.
The most recent development supporting tourism in the Košice-Miskolc region presented at an unconventional online press conference.
May 9 marks the declaration of Robert Schuman in 1950, which set European integration in motion.
National Authority published the Amendment no.2 to the De minimis aid scheme
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic published the Amendment no. 2 to the De minimis aid scheme provided in the Slovak Republic through the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme (Scheme DM - 11/2016).
Digital Guidance System at the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút
As a result of the SKHU/1601/1.1/060 MONUMENTIS project the Szentkút digital guidance system, a state-of-the-art mobile tour guiding application was recently released.
The colleagues of Joint Secretariat are available during working hours via cell phone and email as usual.
List of approved small projects within the 2nd round of the Call SKHU/ETA/1901
The 4th Monitoring Committee of the Small Project Fund was held on 18th February 2020 in Miskolc.
Future built on past. Cross-border economic development based on industrial hemp processing.
Cooperation of food industry, scientific and professional institutes to increase rural employment
Between R2 and M3. Toward a new cross-border north-south economic development axis
On January 31 2020, in the framework of the Maria Valéria Bike project, we held a press conference with the mayors of Štúrovo and Esztergom on the occasion of the completion of the construction of the public bicycle sharing system of the Maria Valéria Bike.
New jobs in the Ipeľ/Ipoly valley with the eco-friendly development of the building industry
Organic cross-border territorial development along the Ipoly/Ipeľ