European Regional Development Fund
Deadline for submission: 2nd December 2016
In case of personal delivery of the project proposals within the frames of the 1st Call for Proposals we are expecting the packages at the following address:
Széchenyi Programme Office Nonprofit Ltd.
1053 Budapest, Szép u. 2., IV. emelet, Hungary
The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg V-A SKHU Programme has decided to postpone the submission deadline of the 1st Call for Proposals until 3rd November 2016 due to the bank holiday in Hungary on the original date.
The programme organized information days in every region and county of the eligible area related to the 1st Call for proposals. Altogether 14 events were organized with more than 700 interested potential applicants.
The ex-post evaluation of the 2007-2013 ETC programmes has been carried out and published by the European Commission.
The Opening conference of the programme took place on 13th September 2016 in Hotel Chateau Belá, Belá, Slovak Republic.
Registration is open.
The Interreg V-A Slovakia – Hungary Cooperation Programme is organizing its opening conference on 13th September 2016 in Slovakia, in the area of Štúrovo.
The Joint Secretariat is looking for new colleagues in the team.
The Monitoring Committee (MC) of the programme held its third meeting on 30th June 2016 in Budapest.
3rd place was awarded to our programme on the Interreg Annual Meeting 2016 by the European Commission on 6th June 2016 within the frames of the Best Interreg V website competition. The three language versions, the special section for the visually impaired, the user-friendly platform and the transparent and updated information content was mentioned as the best qualities of our website.
We are happy to receive such an award, and congratulate to 2. place Interreg Central Europe and 1. place Interreg Deutschland Danmark programme.
Special award for an exhibition in Cigánd, Hungary financed from HUSK 2007-2013 programme
Within the frames of the Museum of the Year 2015 competition organized by the Pulszky Society – Hungarian Museum Association the permanent exhibition in the Sőregi House in the Bodrogközi Múzeumporta in Cigánd, Hungary (HUSK/1101/1.3.1/0244) won the special award of the evaluation committee. The museum also received an acknowledgement letter for the extraordinary community work performed in the region. Congratulations!
Results of the consultation on overcoming obstacles in border regions last year
The Commission processed, analyzed and now published the results of the open consultation last year.
The Annual Implementation Report 2015 of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme has been prepared pursuant to Annex X of Commission implementation regulation (EU) 2015/207. The report is intended to give a brief overview of the activities that were undertaken in the frame of the programming process, focusing on the year 2015.
Summary of the 2nd Monitoring Committee meeting of the Interreg V-A SKHU programme
The Monitoring Committee (MC) of the programme held its second meeting on 9th March 2016 in Budapest.
Dear Visitors,
the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme wishes Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Welcome to the website of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme